Incorporating quad workouts in your lower body workout routine is always a good idea, as strengthening these muscles helps in tons of movements, including running, squatting and jumping.
The quads or quadriceps are the front muscles of the legs and consist of four different muscles: vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius. Together, these muscles help with knee extension while also being responsible for hip flexion.
So, to promote these functions and prevent lower body injuries, adding quad-dominant exercises to your routine can be worth your time and energy. To help you get started, we have listed below a few of the best quad workouts that are sure to help you build a set of stronger and thicker quads.
Quad workouts for a quad-focused leg day
Add the following five quad-strengthening exercises to your leg or lower body workout routine, and target these important muscles from every angle:
#1 Front squat

Front squats are considered one of the best quad workouts to target each side of the quadriceps muscles. They're among the most effective outer quad exercises that help with rapid quad growth.
How to do a front squat?
- Start standing with your feet at shoulder-width distance and a barbell across your chest.
- With the back muscles straight, bend your knees, and push the hips back to lower yourself into a squat. Keep squatting till the thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Push your heels into the floor, and explosively get back up to the starting position.
- Repeat.
#2 Bulgarian split squat
The Bulgarian split squat is one of the best quad workouts that also strengthens the hips and knees, making it a great lower body strengthening exercise. Additionally, it also targets the hamstrings and core muscles.
How to do a Bulgarian split squat?
- Stand with your feet two steps away from a box, step, bench or any other knee-high elevated platform.
- Place the top of your right foot on the box behind you, and step your left foot forward.
- Make sure the distance between your left foot and the platform is enough so that you can squat without any balance problems.
- Lean slightly towards the front, and hold your hands together near your chest as you lower down into a squat.
- Press through your feet, and come back up to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps, and switch legs.
#3 Lateral lunge
Lateral or side lunges are among the easiest quad workouts that target the quadriceps from every angle. Apart from targeting the quads, this exercise strengthens the inner thigh muscles too. The best part is that you can do lateral lunges even at home.
How to do a lateral lunge?
- Start standing with your feet at shoulder-width distance and arms straight in front of you.
- Take a step to the left, and start to push your hips back while bending your left knee and getting into a side squat position.
- Squat as far as you can, and press your feet to come back up to the starting position.
- Repeat.
#4 Box jump

The box jump is one of the best plyometric quad workouts that not only builds strength and muscle in the quads but also develops massive lower body power while elevating heart rate too. It's a great cardio workout to target the major muscles of the lower body.
How to do a box jump?
- Stand a foot away from a sturdy step or box with feet hip-width apart.
- Bend your knees, and get into a squat, and at the same time extend your arms straight behind.
- Swing your arms, and press through your feet as you jump on top of the box. Land softly with both feet on the box and at hip-width distance.
- Step down one leg at a time, and repeat the exercise.
#5 Pistol squat

The pistol squat, also called the single-legged squat, is an advanced squat variation that works great on the quadriceps, inner thighs, glutes and core. To do this exercise, though, you need mobility, balance, and strength; so if you're a beginner, skip this one.
How to do a pistol squat?
- Stand upright with both feet together and arms straight in front of you.
- Lift your right foot off the floor, and extend it straight. Slowly squat down on your left leg till the thigh gets parallel to the floor.
- Return to the starting position, and repeat. Continue with your opposite leg.
Look to do the aforementioned exercises at least twice a week, or just consider adding a few to your leg workout routine.
Doing quad workouts regularly offers plenty of benefits. They boost knee stability, improve sports performance, reduce risk of lower body injuries, strengthen core muscles and make your everyday movements much easier and convenient to do. Just be mindful of your form, and make sure you work under a trainer, especially if you're new to strength training.