Sit-up variations can take your core workout to the next level and give you the six pack you desire.
Sit-ups are traditional abdominal exercises that are done to activate the muscles known as rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques. They can also activate other supporting muscles, including the muscles in the hip flexors, chest, and neck.
In this article, we will take a look at sit-up variations that can take your workout to the next level.
Next Level Sit-Up Variations for Abs
Try out these exercises in place of your regular sit-ups:
1) Stability Ball Sit-Up
Stability ball challenges core stability, strength, and balance. This exercise makes the muscle fibers work more, increasing its benefits. Sit-up variations using a stability ball are quite popular.
Follow these instructions carefully:
- Begin lying in the upright sitting position at the top of a medium-sized stability ball.
- Keep your feet pressed on the floor and knees bent at 90 degrees. You may take assistance to get into this position initially.
- Tighten your core, and and tuck your neck inward. Raise your upper body while contracting the core, and get into an upright position.
- Slowly lower your body back to the starting position in a controlled way. Repeat five times.
2) Overhead Medicine Ball Sit-Up
The second sit-up variation involves a medicine ball, which creates more stress and tension in the abs muscles. It also strengthens and tones the core muscles. A weighted sit-up improves strength and stability of the shoulder and back muscles as well.
Follow these instructions carefully:
- Start with the standard sit-up position with your knees bent, back upright, and feet pressed on the floor.
- Take the weighted medicine ball, and hold over your head.
- Raise your body off the ground contracting your abs and breathing out while doing so.
- Get back to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat five times.
3) Wall ball sit-up
Sit-up variations that include medicine balls can challenge core stability. This exercise also includes a medicine ball and is performed against a wall.
Follow these instructions carefully:
- Sit on the floor with knees bent and foot against the wall.
- Holding the medicine ball above your head with both hands, perform a sit up.
- Throw the the ball against the wall, and recieve the ball before returning to the starting position.
- Repeat 5 times.
4) Resistance Band Sit-Up
Sit-up variations using resistance bands are quite popular. These bands help in increasing the intensity of your abs training when you don't have access to appropriate weights.
Follow these instructions carefully:
- Fix the resistance band to a rack behind you, and hold the ends tightly over your shoulders. Anchor your feet with a pair of dumbells, or ask someone to press them with their feet.
- Raise your body into the seated position, holding the bands tightly. Contract your core while breathing out.
- Get back to starting initial position slowly. Repeat 5 times.
Sit-Up Variations for Stronger Abs
Performing basic sit-ups every day might feel monotonous and boring. Try the aforementioned variations easily at home.