Exercises for inner thigh muscles are effective and offer a plethora of benefits. Strong inner thighs provide a solid foundation for the lower body and help prevent lower back aches and discomfort.
They enhance overall body awareness and correct posture as well. Regular practice of certain exercises for inner thigh muscles not only targets the adductors but also strengthens the surrounding muscles, including the glutes and hamstrings while providing a rock-solid core.
Listed below are some of the most incredible exercises for inner thigh muscles that you can do to strengthen and tone these key leg muscles.
Exercises for inner thigh muscles
Here are the six best exercises for inner thigh muscles for you to try in your next workout session:
1) Sumo squat

How to do a sumo squats:
- Start by standing with feet wider than hip width and toes pointing out.
- Pressing your heels firmly on the floor, slowly lower the hips, and bend the knees to get into a wide squat position.
- Squat till the thighs are parallel to the ground. Squeeze the glutes, and stand back up.
- Repeat the exercise.
Benefits: Sumo squats are one of the most basic and effective exercises for inner thigh muscles. This exercise increases the adductor’s activation and targets the muscles more than any other thigh exercise.
To make the exercise even more challenging, hold a dumbbell, kettlebell, or any other weight between your legs to add resistance to the move.
2) Side-lying hip adduction
How to do a side-lying hip adduction?
- Lie on your right side, with both legs extended straight and stacked on one another.
- With both legs straight, bend your left (top) leg, and slowly cross it over your right (bottom) leg while placing your foot on the floor.
- With your right leg straight, lift it a few inches off the floor, and hold for a few counts.
- Lower it down to the starting position, and repeat a few times. Switch legs, and continue.
Benefits: Side-lying hip adduction is among the easiest exercises for inner thigh muscles. They also target and strengthen the glutes and hips while boosting lower body mobility. If you want to intensify the exercise even more, use a resistance band or wear ankle weights.
Also read: Ankle weight exercises to strengthen your calves and glutes.
3) Side lunge

How to do a side lunges:
- Stand upright, and take a wide step with your right leg to the side. As you step out, bend the right knee, and push the hips back.
- Push off your right foot to return to the starting position, and repeat the exercise.
- Switch legs, and continue.
Benefits: Side or lateral lunges are some of the most common yet productive exercises for inner thigh muscles that help build balance, strength, and stability. This exercise targets multiple muscle groups in the lower body, including the adductors, quads, and hamstrings, making for a great strengthening workout.
4) Bulgarian split squat
How to do a Bulgarian split squat:
- Stand facing away from an exercise bench or chair. Place the top of your right foot on the bench, and ensure that there's enough distance between your left foot and the bench.
- With the core muscles engaged, bend your left knee, and squat down so that the left leg gets at a 90-degree angle.
- Come back to standing by pressing through your left foot, and repeat the exercise.
- Switch legs, and continue.
Benefits: Bulgarian split squats are among the most effective exercises for inner thigh muscles that challenge the core and also activate the glutes, hamstrings, and quads. To increase the difficulty level of the exercise, hold a dumbbell in each hand or a barbell in front of you.
5) Side-lying double-leg lift
How to do a side-lying double-leg lift:
- Lie on your left side, with the left arm fully extended. Rest your head on the left biceps.
- Bend your right arm, and slowly press your right hand on the floor to help support the body.
- Extend both legs, keeping the feet together and stacked over each other.
- Press your left leg up towards your right, and lift both legs a few inches off the floor.
- Hold for a few counts, andrelease.
Benefits: Side-lying double leg-lifts are a great isolation exercise for inner thighs and are suitable for people with groin injuries.
6) Lateral squat walk

How to do lateral squat walks?
- Stand straight with your feet together, and loop a resistance band around the lower thighs (optional).
- Keeping the back straight and abs engaged, push the butts back, and bend the knees to lower into a squat.
- Maintain the squat position, and walk a few steps to your right. Return to the centre, and walk to the left.
- Repeat the exercise.
Benefits: The lateral squat walk not only strengthens the inner thigh muscles but targets the glutes too. To do the exercise, try using a resistance band to enhance concentric and eccentric movements.
The aforementioned exercises for inner thighs are easy and can be done by beginners too. While the moves are safe and effective, it's important to focus on form and posture to prevent muscle strains and injuries.