#5 Jumping Lunges
This exercise is probably the most deadliest of all exercises. While it is fairly difficult and considerably intense, it also extremely effective. Jumping lunges apart from guaranteeing stronger legs also test your stamina, your cardio and your core strength. You do these by going into a lunge and as you get up instead of standing up, you jump up and go into another lunge on the other side. Doing about 50 repetitions of this exercise a day, will ensure not only stronger but a lot more toner legs and glutes!
#6 Calf Raises
Calf raises work out the calves (obviously) and help in getting those calf muscles we all envy. Stand with your feet together and lift your heels up, with all your body weight on your toes. As you get the heels down, ensure that they do not touch the floor and lift your heels up again. There are also different variations of this exercise. You can do it on one leg to make it more difficult. This exercise is also extremely effective if you do it on the edge of the stairs, so that there is no floor as your heel goes down, which increases the intensity on your calves.