Whether you are an artist or a fitness freak, it does not matter. What matters is whether you have tried wall exercises yet. We are all surrounded by walls. Some walls are physical structures and some are metaphorical created by us also known as boundaries. Today we are going to talk about wall exercises you can do while you are at home if you do not want to invest in equipment.
Post-COVID, most of us have started working from home. Sitting and working the whole day can cause obesity, back pain, and other diseases. However, if you are not lazy and try not to find excuses, you can try wall workouts. It can be easily done in your room or inside the four walls of your house. Utilize the space that you have and make the wall your support for a healthy life.
Most common wall exercises

Let us look at the different types of wall exercises that you can do:
1. Wall Push-ups: Although not as beneficial as normal push-ups, this variation is an easy one to begin with. It will strengthen your chest, your biceps, and other muscles. Although it is low-impact exercise, it can help you lose weight.
2. Wall situps: To do this exercise, you have to stand with your back pressed against the wall. After that, you have to move your legs forward, bend them, and hold the position for some time. You can do 10 reps of 4-5 sets.
3. Mountain climbers: You just need to put your hands on the wall and stand at a distance. Now raise one leg at a time and imagine that you are climbing a mountain. Slowly increase the pace when you think you have built enough endurance.
4. Calf raises: You can do calf raises just by holding a wall and talking support. This will build your legs stronger and bigger and also improve your jumping ability.
5. Planks: If you are looking to do a plank for toned abs then wall planks are the correct exercise to choose from. In this form of plank, you use a vertical surface like a wall for support. It enhances your core and gives you a strong back.
6. Standing wall hamstring stretch: You can stand facing a wall and then place your leg on the wall straight with your toes in front. Now you can slowly bend forward touch your feet and stretch your hamstrings. After 10-15 reps you can change the leg and try the same for the above leg. This will increase your flexibility.
There are a lot of wall exercises to choose from other than the ones above. Like an empty canvas that is filled with possibilities, the same goes for a wall if you want to exercise. Make your own exercises.
Wall exercise benefits

1. They can be done anywhere. Whether you are at home or on vacation, you can still do them.
2. No equipment is needed for wall exercises. Therefore, you do not have to worry about spending money on all types of gym equipment. This makes it quick and hassle-free.
3. You can build your endurance at home with the help of wall exercises. Exercise like mountain climbers can be very effective and can increase your stamina if you do it every day in the proper form. You do not have to go out in the heat and cycle or run.
4. Makes your body more flexible. Builds muscles and enhances your core. Helps in better digestion and decreases menstrual cramps in women.
In the end, it will depend on you and your fitness goals. If you have access to a gym or equipment and you have invested in them, then you can always use them and train your muscles individually. If you are looking to save time and money and want a quick workout, try the wall workout and become fit.