The step-up exercise is considered one of the best bodyweight exercises to strengthen the lower body.
A fit and strong lower body is of utmost importance, as the lower body keeps you moving throughout the day. A strong lower body is also non-negotiable for various sports and athletic activities like cycling and swimming.
Regular leg exercises for lower body strength and power can help you stay in shape and work out the important muscles of the lower body, like the legs, hips, glutes and calves.
There are countless exercises that can help develop lower body strength. The best exercises, though, involve multiple muscle groups and joints in compound movements.
The step-up exercise is one such amazing bodyweight exercise for the lower body that works out multiple muscle groups at the same time. In this article, we will discuss the technique, benefits and variations of this exercise.
Technique of step-up exercise

For the first few sets of step-ups, it's best to start with a weight you can lift and control for 6-10 reps on each leg, in 2-3 total sets. If you want to keep your form intact throughout the entire step-up exercise, the weight you pick should be just right.
1) Grab a pair of dumbbells and position yourself next to a plyometric box or bench, with one foot on the box and the other on the floor. If the box is high enough, you will be able to stand straight up with a level pelvis. The knee should be bent at a right angle to the shin. Spread your weight out across your foot on the box, and plant your other foot firmly on the floor to create a stable base.
2) Keep your head and neck in a neutral position while standing tall. You should keep your chin tucked in the entire time, as if you were holding an egg under your chin.
The arms should be long with a slight bend at the elbows, and the shoulders should be ahead of the hips. Set up a tension barrier by tensing the hips and shoulders before you even start moving. This is the starting point for each repetition.

3) Start jumping up by pushing your foot into the plyometric box. Hold a tight glute as you straighten your knee and propel the hips forward to stand tall.
4) Squeeze your glutes and quads as you end the move, keeping the back straight. Put the foot you just jumped with on top of the plyometric box, and make sure your shoulders are above the hips at the end of the movement.
5) With a straight back and level pelvis, step off the box, and begin the descent. Lower your foot to the floor by slowly bending at the hip, knee and ankle. Reduce the height of your foot till it touches the floor. Remain at the bottom position for a brief period before beginning the next set.
Benefits of step-up exercise
Check out the following benefits of the step-up exercise:
- The step-up exercise is an excellent way to build muscle in the legs. Step-ups work the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and adductors, all of which contribute to a stronger lower body.
- Strength differences can be balanced by doing step-ups. The step-up exercise works both sides of the body equally as a unilateral leg exercise that focuses on one leg at a time, drawing attention to any muscle imbalances you may have.
- To improve balance, step-ups are a great exercise to do. The step-up is a great exercise for strengthening the core and lower back, as they act as stabilizers and keep you stable during the movement.
- In a variety of contexts, the step-up exercise can be useful. It can be modified by increasing or decreasing the amount of weight used and/or by utilizing a step stool or other elevated platform of varying heights.
Variations of step-up exercise

When you're ready to branch out from the standard step up exercise, consider one of these five options.
1. Barbell step-up: Perform a standard step-up while holding a barbell over your upper back. As opposed to performing step-ups with dumbbells, you can use a heavier load when performing barbell step-ups.
2. Goblet step-up: Step up onto a step or bench, and perform the exercise while holding a kettlebell in front of your chest for this variant.
3. High-box step-up: Compared to a standard step-up, the hamstrings and glutes work harder with this variation due to the increased step height.

4. Low-box step-up: The quadriceps get a better workout with this modification compared to a regular step-up. Step-ups are a great bodyweight exercise, but you can add more cardio by using only your bodyweight and speeding up the movement.
5. Lateral step-up: Approach the raised platform from the side, and step onto it. Instead of just working your quads, this variation targets the glutes too.
To surmise, a step, box or bench and weights are all that are required to perform a set of the step-up exercise. You can do it just about anywhere. Compared to other lower body workouts, like plyometric jumping, this one is much more manageable and gentle on the joints.