Sudden hunger attacks can derail your diet – Here’s how to stay on track with your diet

Reasons for sudden hunger (Image via Unsplash/Siegfried P)
Reasons for sudden hunger (Image via Unsplash/Siegfried P)

Ever find yourself wanting to devour an entire buffet even though you just had lunch an hour ago? That's what we call sudden hunger. We've all experienced it - out of the blue when the tummy starts rumbling like a hungry animal.

There are many reasons why you get hungry. It could be because you're bored, tired or excited. Some people experience a rush of energy when they're dieting, which causes them to be hungry.

If you just ate and have gone for more than an hour or two without eating, it's called "sudden hunger". No one knows exactly why it happens, but there are some possible reasons behind it.

Sudden hunger attacks - How to cope with the urge to eat when you’re not hungry

Reasons why you might suddenly feel hungry (Image via Unsplash/Sander D)
Reasons why you might suddenly feel hungry (Image via Unsplash/Sander D)

Before we dive in, sudden hunger is nothing to stress about. It's a common thing we all experience at some point. It's just the body telling us that it needs fuel. So, what causes it, and how can you prevent it from striking at the most inconvenient times?

One major culprit of sudden hunger is the type of food you're putting into your stomach. If you're stuffing yourself with processed foods loaded with carbs and sugar, blood sugar level goes sky high and crashes down like a beat-up old car.

That rollercoaster ride leaves you hungry and craving for more food. It's the body's way of saying that they need some real nutrient.

Another sneaky trigger is stress. When you're feeling all low and anxious, the body releases hormones that send you running for comfort foods - the ones that bring you temporary joy, like chocolate bars or bags of chips. Stress can also mess with your digestion, throwing off your hunger cues big time.

Eating finer and nutrient can help (Image via Unsplash/Hari N)
Eating finer and nutrient can help (Image via Unsplash/Hari N)

#1 Fuel up with the good stuff

Instead of piling on junk, focus on whole foods. Load up on lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats like avocados or nuts. These will keep you satisfied for longer and maintain stable blood sugar levels.

#2 Hydration is key

Drinking water and exercise can help (Image via Unsplash/Manu S)
Drinking water and exercise can help (Image via Unsplash/Manu S)

Sometimes, when you feel sudden hunger kicking in, the body is screaming for water, not food. Drinking water throughout the day can help. Keep a water bottle nearby to help you remember to meet your daily water intake.

#3 Move your body

Get up, stretch, and get some fresh air. Physical activity can curb those sudden hunger pangs. Take a walk or do some quick exercises to keep your body feeling good and your digestion on point.

#4 Check your overall lifestyle

Take a look at your diet, sleep habits and stress level. Are you eating enough calories to keep your body fueled? Are you getting enough quality sleep?

Most importantly, are you keeping your stress in check? Don't neglect these essential factors that affect your hunger and overall well-being.

Sudden hunger may try to derail your plans, but don't worry, you're in control. Following these steps to prevent hunger from messing your healthy lifestyle, but if you're hungry all the time, its best to see a doctor.

They might find a physical issue that's causing it and help you out. If not, you might have to deal with it alone or get help from a nutritionist or therapist to handle those hungry feelings better.

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