Apart from contributing to our daily energy needs, carbs can essentially be used to gain a healthy amount of weight. It can be the best thing to ever happen to ectomorphs, who may find it difficult to put on some mass even though they try every other thing that can potentially lead to an increase in weight.
This essential macronutrient has always been popular for being the highest contributing member among its peers for mass gaining. It contains the highest number of calories that can suffice the workload of an entire day.
The further breakdown results in the formation of starch in the body. It gets absorbed by the blood and directly increases the energy of an individual. Apart from that, the macronutrient offers several mental benefits as well. Imagine a day when you did not eat anything since the morning, and right when you have a bite of your favorite chocolate cookie or fries, you feel ecstatic.
Breaking Down Carbs

The primary source of energy: The body relies on carbs as its primary energy source. Upon consumption, these compounds break down into glucose through digestion. Cells promptly utilize glucose for immediate energy or store it as glycogen in the liver and muscles for future energy demands.
Caloric contribution: Carbohydrates contribute 4 calories per gram. This means that for every gram of carbohydrates ingested, the body gains 4 calories of energy.
Vital role in health: Carbohydrates play a pivotal role in regulating blood sugar levels, especially for the brain and nervous system. Carbohydrates rich in fiber further facilitate maintaining healthy digestion, bolstering cardiovascular well-being, and fostering a sense of satiety.

Simple vs. complex carbs: Carbohydrates fall into two categories based on their structural complexity and digestion speed. Simple carbohydrates (sugars) undergo rapid breakdown, potentially causing swift spikes in blood sugar levels. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates (starches and fiber) take longer to break down, resulting in a more gradual and sustained release of energy.
Recommended consumption: The suggested carbohydrate intake varies, influenced by age, activity level, and health objectives. In a standard diet, carbohydrates should constitute approximately 45-65% of the total daily calorie intake.
Carbs for Gaining Weight
Prefer nutrient-rich carbs: Opt for foods abundant in carbohydrates that offer more than just calories - essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Focus on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and starchy vegetables.

Enhance caloric intake: To achieve weight gain, surpass the calories you burn. Integrate carbs dense in calories into your meals and snacks to bolster your intake.
Strive for diet balance: Emphasize carbohydrates while maintaining a balanced diet by introducing protein and healthy fats. Protein aids muscle building, while healthy fats support overall energy and well-being.
Embrace frequent eating: Increase meal frequency during the day. Target three main meals along with two to three snacks. This strategy encourages higher calorie and nutrient consumption without causing excessive fullness.

Prioritize complex carbs: Give precedence to complex carbohydrates, like whole grains (such as oats, quinoa, and brown rice), which supply sustained energy and aid in improved digestion.
Incorporate protein: Combine carbohydrates with protein to amplify muscle growth and repair. Choose lean protein sources like poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, and dairy products.
Integrate healthy fats: Infuse your meals with sources of healthful fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. These contribute additional calories and endorse overall health.

Post-exercise nourishment: Following workouts, consume a blend of carbohydrates and protein to replenish glycogen reserves and support muscle recuperation.
Track serving sizes: Monitor portion dimensions to ensure adequate calorie intake. Gradually increase portion sizes as necessary to sustain ongoing weight gain.
Restrict empty calories: While pursuing weight gain, the allure of sugary and processed foods might be strong. However, it's vital to emphasize nutrient-rich selections for overall health support.