Toxic gym culture is rising rapidly with people giving out unrealistic workout ideas, weightlifting techniques, diet plans and health advice without any credible knowledge or experience. With all the workouts and sweat, gym goers have also unintentionally built a culture that can sometimes transform into toxic and negative.
The consequences? Many people who go to the gym just to be strong and move their bodies after hours of sitting in front of their work desk feel unwanted and judged. Whether it's weight lifting or trying new equipment, many find themselves trapped in a toxic gym culture because all those eyes staring make them feel less motivated and more anxious and unsafe. Often, people who give you free tips are actually making you feel incapable.
Another very toxic gym culture is where you are allowed to film and share anything you want on social media without realizing that you might actually ruin one’s reputation and self-esteem forever for only a few minutes of fame.
Not only are these videos humiliating, but in recent days, there have also been instances where people have recorded others in the gym without their consent and have publicly blamed them for staring and performing unethical acts even when they're not guilty.

One such video went viral in which a Tik Tok influencer recorded a man who she felt was staring at her. She posted the video on social media without even blurring the man’s face expecting people to support her. That backfired, though, as viewers found that the man did nothing wrong, and she had only imagined the situation in her head.
Although the girl apologized to the man on social media, viewers felt that she did so only to avoid more hate and backlash. However, what about that man - the repercussions that he might have faced would surely have taken a toll on his mental health.
Social media has created unrealistic fitness standards

Toxic gym culture is not only limited to certain gym personalities, but the spread of false information about fitness and gym expectations on social media apps like Instagram and TikTok has increased the desire to get strong and muscular in the shortest possible time.
Influencers post videos on social media claiming that you can lose a significant amount of weight in a week by consuming certain drinks or following a specific diet, when it’s almost impossible to get results that quickly. Moreover, its also very unhealthy to shed weight that quickly.
That has forced gym-goers to follow unrealistic plans, routines, and diets and has led to incorrect perceptions of fitness and health. Instead of focusing on improving health, this toxic gym culture has turned fitness into a competition and a race to impress others.
As a result, that has not only become dangerous for physical health but has taken over people’s mental health as well. Every now and then, there is news of people and even celebrities losing their lives because of overexerting their body or following fad diets and addictive pre- or post-workout supplements only because these trend on social media.
What can you do to avoid this unhealthy and toxic gym culture?

Overcoming toxic gym culture can take time, but it's possible. The best thing you can do is never rely on people’s advice alone, especially on social media.
Always remember that everybody is different, and what works for another person might not for you. So, don’t force yourself; just keep your goals in mind, and stick to a consistent fitness plan.
Concentrate and believe in yourself, and don’t allow anyone to step on your self-esteem. Remind yourself of how amazing you're doing.
Show up at the gym every day without worrying about what people are saying behind your back.
Most importantly, do not obsess over society’s body standards, and do not allow social media trends to take over your life because these trends can unknowingly harm your physical and mental health and are anyway changing constantly.