If this article had been written a few decades ago, perhaps the title would have been the disadvantages of sitting idle. However, the times have indeed changed. In a world fueled by the need to become productive, there is no space to be idle. In fact, being idle is seen as a negative trait.
Our society has trained us to believe that being idle is the equivalent of doing nothing. However, it is not that simple. To understand this, think about your weekly routine and the time spent being idle or alone with your thoughts. If you are like most others, you would avoid such a time at any cost. Sitting idle can help if you are struggling to make time for your mental health.

What are the benefits of sitting idle for your mental health?

It can be tough to think about the benefits of sitting idle, especially because we are primed to think about it as wasting our time, energy, and resources. Here are a few reasons why taking time out to be idle could work for you:
1. Fosters creativity
One of the key benefits of sitting idle is that it fosters creativity. A lot of us want to be creative geniuses in our fields. However, working in a volatile and high-paced environment is often an antidote to creativity. Setting aside time to be idle can allow you to go through all the internal processes slowly and steadily and unleash your creativity. Being creative can, in turn, reduce boredom.
2. Enhances problem-solving skills

All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. This phrase will make a lot of sense to people bogged down by endless work hours. Enjoying a lazy day now and then can help you solve many of your problems.
When we spend a lot of time to solve a problem, the solution often seems out of reach. It is often beneficial to step out or do something else to take your mind off the problem. Just being idle enables your subconscious mind to take charge and find a solution.
3. Increases time for introspection
Many of us find it extremely difficult to be alone with our thoughts. We avoid it at all costs and try to remain distracted with work and other things. However, introspection is essential to enhancing your well-being. If you continue to avoid what is happening internally, it gradually increases.
Then one day, it explodes and leaves you very confused. Sitting idle gives you the time to look inward and observe your thoughts and feelings. Initially, it can be uncomfortable, but eventually, it enables you to engage in self-reflection.
Most of us are conditioned to believe that productivity is the key to success. But it is important to remember that being idle is not the same as doing nothing. In fact, it can be the most important part of your day. However, if you think you have been idle for too long and are feeling directionless, it may be a good idea to talk to someone.
This could be professional help, but for starters, you can reach out to anyone close to you. Otherwise, try to reap the benefits of sitting idle without feeling too guilty.
Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.
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