#3 Single-Arm Triceps Stretch
The triceps are the primary muscle group targeted with the exercise while the lats act as the stabilisation muscles.
Step 1: Stand straight with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart. Lift your left hand and place the palm behind the head on the upper back region. The left elbow must be pointing towards the ceiling in this position.
Step 2: Hold the left elbow with your right hand such that the upper arm makes a 90-degree angle forearm.
Step 3: Hold the stretch for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the same motion on the other side to complete one rep.
Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.
#4 Wall Calf Stretch
This beginner-level isometric exercise works wonders for improving the flexibility of the entire lower body.
Step 1: Stand straight in front of a wall with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart. Place the right foot forward and position your palms on the wall such that the torso is slightly bent forward. Ensure that you achieve this pose by bending your hips and not the spine.
Step 2: Apply pressure downwards ensuring that the feet are in position throughout the duration of the exercise.
Step 3: Hold the same position for around 15 seconds and then, return to the initial position. Perform the same motion with the other leg to train the other set of calf muscles.
Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.