Remember those diseases we thought we'd left behind in the history books? Well, they're back, and they're causing a stir in the modern world.
Let's explore what's causing this resurgence and take a closer look at five diseases that have staged a comeback.
The shocking resurgence of bygone diseases

It might sound like something out of a novel, but the reality is strikingly different. Diseases that were once considered conquered are rearing their heads once again, taking everyone by surprise.
Factors like changes in behavior, eating habits, declining childhood vaccination rates, and yes, even climate change, have come together to create the perfect storm that's leading to the return of these diseases.
Adding to the challenge, bacteria are developing resistance to antibiotics, undermining a crucial medical weapon that has saved countless lives. Despite the progress made in the past, the 21st century has brought back some of the oldest diseases, casting a new light on health challenges in our rapidly changing world.
Top Victorian diseases making a comeback
Here are five such diseases:
#1 Measles

Once controlled through effective vaccines, this contagious disease is reemerging due to dropping vaccination rates.
Outbreaks are happening across Europe, with countries like the U.K., Greece, Czech Republic and Albania losing their measles-free status. The fight against measles is far from over, and vigilance is key.
#2 Syphilis

Syphilis, once thought to be tamed, is making a disconcerting return. This sexually transmitted bacterial disease is spreading again, with cases surging to levels not seen since 1948.
It's not just the U.K.; Europe is witnessing an upward trajectory in cases. Changes in behavior and cuts to sexual health services are contributing factors. Vigilant sexual health practices are more crucial than ever.
#3 Gout

Gout, known as the "disease of kings," is back in town, but this time, it's not only the royal feasts to blame. This painful type of arthritis is on the rise, and it's not limited to royalty.
Factors like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and dietary habits play a role. With obesity rates still climbing, gout is making a modern-day comeback.
#4 Leprosy

Leprosy, a severe skin disease, was once a distant concept in Western countries. Not anymore, though.
A recent case report suggests leprosy has become endemic in Florida, USA. Cases have doubled in the last decade in certain southeastern states. A mix of unhealthy lifestyles and poor disease management is responsible. Early detection and proper treatment remain critical.
#5 Malaria

Malaria, once a European scourge, was successfully eradicated through extensive efforts.
However, with the rise of mosquito-borne illnesses like dengue and West Nile virus, it's time to take heed. While malaria hasn't fully returned, the warning signs are clear. Extreme weather events and changing environments might lead to its resurgence.
As these once-vanquished illnesses make a startling comeback, it's crucial to remain vigilant and informed. Changes in our world demand a proactive approach to health.
Whether it's maintaining high vaccination rates, practicing safe sexual habits or staying prepared for potential disease resurgences, we're all part of this journey.