In most cases, treatments for jock itch include certain home remedies. However, depending on the severity of the infection and symptoms, the treatment might also require prescribed topical or oral medications.
Jock itch, also called tinea cruris, is basically a fungal skin and a form of ringworm infection that usually develops in the skin around the inner thighs, groin, and buttocks.
Though this infection is harmless, it can multiply quickly when not treated at the right time, causing more infections and irritation. Therefore, it is important to opt for the best treatments for jock itch to minimize bothersome symptoms and prevent it from spreading.
What are the causes of the jock itch?
Jock itch is caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes that live on the skin and usually don’t cause any problems. But when you sweat a lot or remain in sweat or wet-soaked clothes, then the prolonged exposure to moisture allows the fungi to spread quickly.
It is important to note that the fungus that causes jock itch is contagious and you might get infected through close personal contact with people who have jock itch or through their unwashed clothes.

What are the common symptoms of jock itch?
Some common symptoms of jock itch include the following:
- itching
- redness
- burning sensation
- flaky skin
- changes in the skin color around the affected area
- cracking or peeling skin
- rash that gets worsens and spreads
Treatments for jock itch depend on the severity and duration of your symptoms. The aforementioned symptoms of jock itch typically appear between 5 and 15 days after the skin comes into contact with the fungus that causes the infection. It usually starts with redness around the groin area and spreads to the upper thigh, buttocks, and abdomen but doesn’t involve the genitals.
Treatments for jock itch
If not treated at the right time, the jock itch can spread very quickly and even last for months. Luckily, certain treatments for jock itch can cure the symptoms and clear the infection in a few weeks.
Jock itch treatment at home
Treatments for jock itch at home include the application of over-the-counter medicines called antifungals. They are available in powders, creams, and sprays and can help get rid of the infection in a few days or weeks.
Alongside using antifungals and keeping the affected area clean and dry, you can also try the following jock itch cure steps:
- Wash the affected area thoroughly with water and soap and then dry it using a clean towel.
- Dry the area after exercise and bathing.
- Change undergarments every day and do not stay in sweat-soaked clothes for a longer duration.
- Wear cotton and loose clothes until the infection goes away.
- Use the antifungal cream as recommended and apply it as directed. Do not stop applying the cream as the infection may come back.
If the aforementioned home treatments for jock itch don’t work, or the symptoms worsen, talk to your doctor immediately. He/she might prescribe stronger medication or other treatment.

Who is at a higher risk of developing jock itch?
While jock itch affects everyone, it is quite common among young adult men. In fact, men are at least three times more likely to get this infection than women. It is also more likely to develop if you have obesity, diabetes, a poor immune system, or if you wear tight clothes.
A jock itch is also very common among people who have a tendency to sweat as this increases the moisture of the skin and allows dermatophytes to spread and multiply.
The good news is that you can reduce your risk of jock itch by following certain simple hygiene tips. These include washing the area thoroughly with soap and water and drying afterwards, avoiding tight-fitting clothes, especially trousers and jeans, and wearing loose, cotton clothes in humid weather.