Want to level up your triceps training? Consider adding triceps extension variations to your workout routine to build stronger and bigger arms.
The triceps extension is basically an isolation exercise that targets the triceps, i.e., the back of the upper arm muscles. It's a versatile exercise that works by flexing the elbows against resistance and strengthens all three heads of the triceps, the long, medial, and lateral heads. Moreover, triceps extensions also activate a variety of secondary muscles, including the forearms, biceps, lats, obliques, pecs, traps, and abs.
The good news is that there are several triceps extension variations you can do to attain the same benefits as the classic triceps extension. The following variations can be performed using a variety of tools, such as a cable machine or barbell, to suit your fitness abilities and goals.
Build bigger arms with triceps extension variations
Here’s a look at the five best triceps extension variation exercises to hit your triceps hard:
1) Skull crusher

Skull crushers are one of the best triceps extension variations that reduce shoulder engagement and increase triceps involvement. To feel the muscles burning, perform this exercise using two dumbbells, and keep them separated so that each arm works independently.
How to do a skull crusher:
- Lie straight face up on the floor, and keep your feet flat and knees bent at 45 degrees. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your chest level.
- Extend your hands up towards the ceiling, with your palms facing each other.
- Engage the core and glutes, and slowly bend your elbows to lower the weights till they hover a few inches above your head. Do not move your upper arms.
- Straighten your elbows with control, and extend your arms back over your chest.
2) Seated triceps extension
This is among the easiest and most basic triceps extension variations that offer more stability and is ideal for beginners and people who struggle with balance.
How to do a seated triceps extension:
- Sit straight on an exercise bench, and keep your feet planted flat on the floor or either side of the bench.
- Hold a dumbbell with both hands, keeping the arms fully extended over your head.
- Move your shoulders back and down, and engage your core.
- With your elbows pointed forward, back flat, and abs engaged, bend your elbows to 90 degrees, and lower the dumbbell behind your head.
- Press the weights up towards the ceiling, and fully extend your arms.
- Repeat the exercise.
3) Cable overhead triceps extension

This is among the most potent triceps extension variations that particularly target the long head of the triceps. This variation is best suited for people who aren’t very sure about handling heavy dumbbells and other free weights.
How to do a cable overhead triceps extension:
- Attach a rope to a cable machine, and stand facing away from the pulley.
- Grab the rope using both hands, with the palms facing each other, and extend your arms till your hands get above your head.
- Make sure the elbows are close to your head and the arms are perpendicular to the ground.
- Lower the cable behind your head till the triceps get fully stretched and extended.
- Return to the starting position, and repeat the exercise for a few more reps.
4) One-arm overhead dumbbell triceps extension
The one-arm overhead extension is one of the best single-joint triceps extension variations that target all the heads of the triceps one arm at a time. This variation increases core stability and also strengthens the shoulder regions.
How to do a one-arm overhead dumbbell triceps extension:
- Stand straight with your feet at shoulder-width distance.
- Hold a dumbbell overhead with your left hand. Make sure to hold the dumbbell using an overhand grip and straight overhead.
- With your upper arm beside your head, slowly lower the weight behind your head and towards your right shoulder till the elbow gets at a 90-degree angle.
- Lift the dumbbell back up to full arm extension, and repeat the exercise.
5) Overhead barbell triceps extension

The overhead barbell triceps extension, also known as the triceps overhead press, is among the most effective triceps extension variations that help build bigger arms. This exercise targets all heads of the triceps and particularly works on the long head.
How to do the an overhead barbell triceps extension:
- Sit straight on an exercise bench, and grab a barbell overhead.
- Hold the barbell using a tight grip, and keep your hands at a shoulder-width distance. Ensure that the upper arms are beside your head.
- Lower the barbell behind your head slowly till the elbows get at a 90-degree angle.
- Lift the barbell back to full arm extension, and repeat the exercise.
Wrapping Up
Now that you know about triceps extension variations, add them to your arms training session and see how they work for you.
Just make sure to perform the exercises correctly, and focus on your form. Keep the movement slow, and do not rush. If you have sensitive shoulders or any kind of muscle pain or injury, consult a doctor before attempting these exercises.