Are you aware of the amazing benefits of black grapes? If not, this article is for you. We’ve listed here some of the most notable health benefits of black grapes that are sure to sway you to add the fruit to your diet.
Black grapes are sweet, small and nutritious fruits that are popular for their intense purple color. They are full of powerful antioxidants as well as other nutrients that make the fruit a healthy addition to any diet.
Black grapes’ unique purplish-black color comes from anthocyanins, a very important antioxidant which is also responsible for giving color to other blue, black and purple vwgetables and fruits like eggplants, blueberries and blackberries.
Nutrients in black grapes
The nutrients in the fruit include antioxidants like polyphenols and a variety of minerals and vitamins. Black grapes are also 82% water, which makes them a low-calorie fruit and ideal for a weight-loss diet.
130 grams of seedless black grapes contain the following nutrients:
Protein: 1 gram
Calories: 90
Fiber: 1 gram
Fat: 1 gram
Carbs: 24 grams
Iron: 2% of the daily value
Vitamin A: 11% of the daily value
Vitamin C: 17% of the daily value
The fruit is also rich in potassium, copper, manganese, and vitamin K.
Health benefits of black grapes
Here’s a look at some of the most amazing benefits of black grapes:
Loaded with antioxidants
One of the most obvious benefits of black grapes is their antioxidant properties. In fact, some varieties of black grapes have much more antioxidants compared to red and green grapes.
Antioxidants help protect cells from oxidative damage and also provide protection against diseases like heart problems and cancers. An important antioxidant in black grapes is resveratrol, which is linked to healthy brain and heart health. It also helps the body fight against inflammation and viruses.
Slow down Alzheimer’s
The health benefits of black grapes also include slowing down the progress of Alzheimer’s disease. The resveratrol antioxidants in black grapes are linked with a lower risk of memory loss in older adults.
Severa studies have also suggested that resveratrol may improve memory and the overall functioning of the brain.
Promotes skin health
Black grapes' benefits for skin include protecting the skin against the damaging effects of the sun and UV radiation.
Over time, these problems cause skin issues like edema, sunburn and hyperpigmentation, and in some cases, also lead to skin cancer. Antioxidants in black grapes eliminate cancer-causing cells and also provide a cure for problems like acne.
Good for obesity
Resveratrol and other antioxidant compounds in black grapes may fight against obesity and help manage your weight. A compound in black grapes, called pterostilbene is believed to have anti-obesity effects and helps the body produce energy and improve gut bacteria.
May support functioning of heart
Reducing heart diseases and supporting the overall functioning of the heart are also among some notable benefits of black grapes. The antioxidants present in the fruit have been associated with a lower risk of heart problems like stroke and heart attack.
Studies also suggest that adding black grapes to your diet can reduce arterial stiffness in the heart, which further manages blood pressure and blood flow. The anthocyanins in black grapes may also help reduce bad cholesterols.
Help manages diabetes
The resveratrol in black grapes is also said to improve insulin sensitivity in the body.
That allows the body to use glucose more efficiently and lowers blood sugar level, too. Black grapes also have a low glycemic index, which is said to improve and manage uncomfortable symptoms of diabetes.
Black grapes are a versatile fruit that can be paired with a variety of other foods. You can add them to your salads and smoothies or use them in your dessert recipes.
While the fruit is safe and can be eaten regularly, keep in mind that compounds present in black grapes can affect blood clotting. So, if you have any kind of bleeding condition, limit your intake, or consult a doctor before adding black grapes to your diet.