Whether you're unwinding after a hectic day or looking to relax tight shoulder and neck muscles, upper body stretches can be beneficial and bring some great long-term benefits.
In this article, we list the five best upper body stretches you can do before or after a strenuous workout session.
Importance of upper body stretching
Regular practice of upper body stretches not only boosts flexibility, but these exercises prevent injuries and help the body maintain correct balance during workouts, too.
Apart from increasing flexibility, stretching exercises enhance the range of motion and loosen tight muscles. Practicing specific stretches also eases back pain, improves posture and brings relaxation.
Best upper body stretches to practice
These five upper body mobility exercises don’t require any tools and can be easily done any time throughout the day to help relax upper body muscles:
#1 Torso twist
One of the best upper body dynamic stretches, the torso twist is a simple yet effective upper body stretch that eases lower back pain and loosens tight back muscles. This stretching exercise is a great option for people prone to back injuries.
To do this exercise:
- Stand upright with feet at shoulder-width distance. Keep your back straight, arms extended to shoulder height on the sides and head up.
- Make sure the lower body is stable and torso is straight.
- Maintaining this position, slowly twist your upper body to the left and back to the center.
- Twist to your right, and repeat the exercise at least ten times.
#2 Standing chest and bicep stretch
This is one of the best upper body stretches for the chest and bicep muscles. Doing this stretching exercise prevents rolled shoulders, loosens tight neck muscles and also relaxes the biceps.
Standing chest and bicep stretch can also be done as an upper body warm-up exercise to activate these muscles.
To do this exercise:
- Stand straight, with your left side facing the end of a wall or a doorway.
- Lift your left arm, and place it against the wall with the elbow extended. Make sure your thumb faces the floor.
- Slowly push your left shoulder forward, and rotate your hips in the same direction. Hold this position for a few seconds, and twist to the centre.
- Turn to the opposite side, and repeat the exercise for a few reps.
#3 Neck and trapezius stretch
Neck and trapezius stretch is also one of the most effective upper body stretches that not only relieves stiff muscles but also improves posture and prevents pain.
To do this exercise:
- Stand or sit with your arms on the sides, feet at shoulder-width distance and chest out.
- Lift your left arm to the side of your head, and position your hand close to the right ear.
- Slowly pull your head to the left till you feel a gentle stretch on the right side of the upper back and neck.
- Hold the stretch for a few breaths, and do the exercise on the other side.
#4 Scorpion stretch
The scorpion stretch is one of the most relaxing upper body stretches that improve flexibility of the lower back and shoulders. Additionally, it targets the hip flexors while working on spinal rotation, too
To do it:
- Lie flat on the floor with the hips pressed against the floor and arms out to the sides in a T shape.
- Press your right palm onto the floor, and keep your left arm stretched out straight.
- With your left leg pressed, bring your right leg off the floor, and place your right foot just behind your body.
- Using your right palm, start to stretch your chest up to the right till you feel a gentle stretch along the left upper body.
- Hold the stretch, and repeat the exercise on the other side.
#5 Overhead triceps stretch
The overhead triceps stretch is one of the most beneficial upper body stretches that help loosen the muscles along the upper arms. This exercise improves the range of motion of the shoulders, too.
To do this exercise:
- Stand straight, and lift your left arm to the side of your head.
- Slowly bend the left elbow, and bring the forearm behind your head. Grab the left elbow using your right hand, and gently pull your arm behind the back.
- Continue to pull your arm till you feel a stretch in the triceps.
- Hold the stretch and release. Repeat on the other side.
You can perform the aforementioned upper body stretches before a workout or after your training session, depending on your preference.
If you're just starting out, try to hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds or more, and gradually work your way up to a minute. Do not perform these upper body stretches too intensely, as that can lead to muscle strain.
Stretch gently, and breathe easily to keep the movements easier. If you feel pain, stop immediately, and relax.