It's no secret that getting massages is one of the best ways to relax, but what about using a massage gun after a workout? It's not just for relaxing anymore. Many athletes experiment with alternative therapies like cryotherapy and cupping in an effort to recover faster after intense workouts.
They've been endorsed by athletes and personal trainers alike, but is all the hype legitimate? Let's take a look at how effective massage guns really are.
Benefits of Using Massage Guns Post-Workout
1) Muscle Recovery

A massage gun is a great way to recover from a hard workout. They can be used on any muscle group and are especially helpful in relieving the soreness and tightness that comes with muscle activation.
It's also an effective method of restoring mobility in injured areas. If you have an injury that's preventing you from using your arm or leg properly, using a massage gun will help loosen up those tight muscles.
2) Athletic Performance
Have you ever been in the middle of a workout and realized that your muscles are extremely sore? Maybe your body is telling you to slow down and take it easy, but as an athlete, that's not always possible.
A massage gun can be used to help reduce muscle soreness so that athletes can perform at their best. They work by improving circulation and blood flow in the body, which can help with pain management and muscle recovery after exercise.
3) Circulation

Massage guns help improve movement of blood through the body. As you exercise, the muscles are under stress and need more nutrients to keep them healthy. That can help increase blood flow to these tissues, improving their ability to absorb nutrients while they recover from a workout.
This benefit also helps reduce muscle soreness and pain by increasing circulation around the muscles before or after a workout.
4) Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes widespread pain and tenderness in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
Fibromyalgia can lead to sleep problems due to pain or fatigue; massage guns can help with both symptoms by reducing inflammation and increasing circulation —both important steps towards softening stiff muscles and improving sleep quality. As an added bonus for anyone who suffers from fibromyalgia: Improved circulation also results in increased energy levels.
5) Sciatica
Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is irritated or compressed. The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that runs from the lower back down through the buttocks and into each leg. It supplies sensation to the thigh and to some parts of the foot.
You can get sciatica if something presses on that nerve, such as an inflamed disc, a tumor in the spine or spinal cord, or even sitting for too long with poor posture (like at a desk all day).
Sciatica pain usually gets worse when you stand up and better when you sit down; however, many people have numbness, weakness or tingling as well as discomfort when they stand. Sciatica pain may also disappear after walking around for a while—but then come back again later in the day.
Best Massage Guns to Try
1) Theragun Mini

This lightweight model is easy to take with you wherever you go. The batteries last for 150 minutes, and it has three speeds (1750, 2100, and 2400) and one attachment.
2) Hypervolt Go 2

The new Hyperice is lightweight and portable, with three hours of battery life and attachments for different muscle groups.
3) Therabody Theragun Elite 2
Theragun Elite is a smaller version of the Theragun PRO, but it still packs 40 pounds of force. It comes with five attachments, has a 120-minute battery life, and is integrated with the Therabody app via Bluetooth and OLED display.
Eventually, if you're using a massage gun for muscle recovery and sports recovery, you’re going to want to make sure it’s being used safely.
Doing otherwise will increase your risk of injury. However, with proper precaution and some research, it can add a new dimension to your workout routine. For anyone looking for a new way to recover from exercise, a massage gun can be worth a try.