Muscle knots typically refer to the bump-like areas of the muscle that are painful and inflamed. Also referred to as myofascial trigger points, these knots can lead to chronic pain and also interfere with daily activities and bodily movements. It can also have a negative impact on a person’s physical and mental ability and may disrupt overall health.
The good news is that, several treatment options and home remedies can help reduce the pain and discomfort that comes with muscle knots. Professional massages and therapies can be beneficial too.
What Are Muscle Knots?

If you’ve ever had severe pain in your back or neck, you’ve probably had a knot. According to medical experts, myofascial trigger points are hyperirritable nodules that lead to chronic pain and, sometimes, also cause autoimmune dysfunction.
Muscle knots usually occur when a muscle gets irritated by repetitive motions or trauma. Some of the most common causes include:
- injury
- stress and tension
- overusing of muscles
- poor body posture
An unhealthy diet and dehydration are also common factors responsible for muscle knots. While the problem is common among athletes, knots can affect almost anyone and at any age. Knots can develop anywhere on the body. However, some common myofascial trigger points are the lower back, mid back, calves, shins, shoulders, and neck.
What Are the Symptoms of Muscle Knots?

Knots usually feel like a tender or small lump and are quite painful to touch. In some cases, they can develop deep inside the muscles, and a person may not even notice them or experience any signs or symptoms.
Some common symptoms of muscle knots can include:
- severe pain in and around the affected area
- numbness or tingling sensation
- nerve pain
- reduced range of motion
- fatigue
How to Treat Muscle Knots?
Muscle knots can be treated easily by medical treatments and home remedies. Here are some things you can do to relax your muscles and ease pain:
Perform stretching exercises
Gentle stretching exercises can potentially help relieve muscles that are affected by a knot and allow you to relax them. Stretching movements can elongate the muscles and help alleviate tension while loosening the muscles and preventing knots from developing in the future.

Apply heat or ice
Muscle knot pain responds well to heat or ice therapy. For this, you can either use an ice pack or a hot water bottle or use a combination of both. While ice therapy helps reduce swelling by constricting the blood vessels, heat therapy loosens tight muscles and reduces pain. Alternate between both or use the one that works best for your condition.
Use a muscle rub
Muscle rubs are just like ointments that may help relax the knots by softening and loosening them up. To get quick results, apply a muscle rub onto the affected area, and massage it gently for a few minutes. Repeat twice daily.
When buying a muscle rub, go for one that contains ingredients like camphor, menthol, and capsaicin.
Massage therapy
A massage therapy can improve circulation and boost blood flow. This, as a result, can loosen stiff muscles, ease pain, and promote your overall muscle functions. Self-massage is one of the best ways to get relief, but you can also go for a professional one.

How to Massage Out a Knot?
To massage out a knot, simply apply pressure on the affected area using your fingertips in a circular motion. Press the affected area firmly, but don’t press onto the targeted muscle. If you are unable to reach the affected area, you may use a foam roller instead. This will help reduce muscle stiffness and provide relief from pain.
If the aforementioned remedies do not provide you relief, you can opt for professional treatments, such as:
- dry needling
- cold laser
- trigger point injections
- manual therapy
Keep in mind that it can take some time to get relief from muscle knot pain. Until then, try to avoid all those things that might irritate your muscles. Relax and stay away from strenuous activities like heavy weightlifting or intense exercises.