The oblique muscles are a group of muscles located on the sides of the abdomen. These muscles are responsible for rotation and lateral flexion of the trunk, and are often overlooked in exercise routines.
However, they're crucial in maintaining proper posture and stability during movement. In this article, we will discuss what the oblique muscles are, how to target them in exercise, and how to make them stronger.
The oblique muscles are divided into two groups: the external obliques and the internal obliques. The external obliques are located on the surface of the abdomen and are responsible for the rotation and lateral flexion of the trunk.
They originate from the external surface of the lower eight ribs and insert on the linea alba, the inguinal ligament, and the anterior half of the iliac crest. The internal obliques are located deeper in the abdomen and are responsible for the same movements but in the opposite direction.
They originate from the internal surface of the lower eight ribs and insert on the linea alba, the inguinal ligament and the anterior half of the iliac crest.
Here's How You Can Make Your Oblique Muscles Stronger
To target the obliques in exercise, it's important to incorporate exercises that specifically target these muscles into your workout routine. Here are some effective exercises to strengthen the obliques:
1) Russian Twist
This exercise targets the external obliques. To perform this exercise, sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.
Hold a weight (such as a medicine ball or dumbbell) with both hands, and lean back slightly. Rotate your torso to the right, bringing the weight towards the ground.
Return to the starting position and repeat on the left side. This exercise can also be done with no weight, by simply twisting the torso to one side and then the other, tapping the floor with your hand.
2) Side Plank
This exercise targets both the external and internal obliques. To perform this exercise, lie on your side with your elbow directly under your shoulder.
Push up onto your forearm, and raise your hips off the ground, forming a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold for 15-30 seconds, and repeat on the other side. To make this exercise more challenging, you can raise the top leg, or add a small lateral movement to it.
3) Standing Cable Twist
This exercise targets both the external and internal oblique muscles. To perform this exercise, stand facing a cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Hold the cable handle with both hands, and twist your torso to the right, pulling the cable towards your right hip. Return to the starting position, and repeat on the left side. To make this exercise more challenging, you can increase the weight on the cable machine.
4) Medicine Ball Slam
This exercise is one of the best at targeting the entire core. To perform this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a medicine ball with both hands.
Raise the ball above your head, and forcefully slam it down onto the ground. Catch the ball, and repeat. This exercise is a great way to increase explosiveness and power.
5) Captain's Chair Leg Raise
This exercise targets the oblique muscles and helps you build a strong v-taper. To perform this exercise, stand with your back facing a captain's chair (which has a backrest and armrest), and hold onto the armrest.
Raise your knees towards your chest, and lower them back down. This exercise can also be performed hanging from a pull-up bar, with your legs hanging freely, and raising them towards your chest.
The oblique muscles are a vital component of the core and play an important role in maintaining proper posture and stability during movement.
Incorporating exercises that target these muscles into your workout routine, along with maintaining good posture, engaging your core during exercises, and maintaining a healthy bodyweight, can help strengthen the oblique muscles and improve overall core stability. Remember to always consult a professional before starting any new exercise regimen.