Caterpillar rash, as the name suggests, is the condition in which an individual develops a rash on their skin due to direct contact with a caterpillar, moth, or butterfly. While caterpillars may seem to be cute little harmless creatures, they can be a source of rashes for you. These rashes can be harmless and might go within a few days, but some stay on and can be severe. Caterpillar rash is also known as lepidopterism.
There are special species of caterpillar which, when come in contact with, can cause those rashes. Out of around 165,000 species, there are only around 150 that can actually harm you. One of them belongs to the species of the genus Lonomia.
Let us look deeper into this particular rash, the symptoms, causes, and the treatment related to it.
Caterpillar rash: What are the symptoms of it?

Before getting into the symptoms, it is important to understand about the cause of it. The main culprit behind these rashes are the bristles coming out of the caterpillars, making them problematic for your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin.
The hairs are attached to the poisonous sacs present in the caterpillar which, when coming in contact with, may release some amount of toxin in your body, causing the formation of a rash.
The main symptoms of this condition include rashes that are red, bumpy or have a bruised appearance to them. The symptoms can vary, depending on the type of caterpillar you had contact with.
Other than skin reactions, one may experience other issues like pain in the area of contact, vomiting, or nausea. Moreover, in severe cases, one may experience dizziness, high heart rate, and muscle spasms.
How can we treat this condition?

While in most of the cases, the rashes fade away when given some time. However, if you come in contact with a poisonous one, you might need some special assistance in order to get the rashes under control.
Treatment for this is easy. All you need to do is manage the symptoms and keep it in control.
Following are some of the steps that can be taken to treat it.
- If you can see any caterpillar hair, it is important to get rid of them using tweezers.
- For the rashes, application of ice packs and baking soda on the affected area can be effective.
- Antihistamines or corticosteroids are generally helpful. So these creams can also be applied.
If the problem persists, it is better to get medical attention to avoid other side effects.

In order to prevent it altogether, it is advisable to keep a distance from these small little creatures as they can be carrying a poisonous dose in their bristle like hairs. It is best to wear gloves, and full sleeves clothing if the population of caterpillars in your area is high.
Caterpillars may seem harmless little creatures considering they, at some point, transform into adorable butterflies. But one should be cautious about touching or handling them as they may give you caterpillar rash unwantedly. Understanding the symptoms, causes, treatments, and prevention techniques can be useful to get hold of caterpillar rashes.