Muscle strain in the neck is basically an injury caused to the neck tendon or muscle. Also called a pulled neck muscle, neck strains occur when the neck tendon or muscle stretches too far and tears, however, there are many more causes of the same.
An important point to note here is that neck strain can vary in its intensity, depending on the tear’s size and area. The pain may also range from mild to severe depending on the cause.
The neck strain is classified into three grades, namely:
Grade 1: a mild muscle strain in the neck with partial tearing and bearable pain.
Grade 2: a moderate neck strain with a few torn muscle fibers, mild to moderate pain, and muscle weakness.
Grade 3: severe neck strain with complete muscle tear and unbearable pain.
What causes muscle strain in the neck?
While the general causes of a pulled neck muscle are injuries or a direct blow to the neck, other causes of neck strains include the following:
- a prolonged period of uncomfortable sitting
- trauma affecting the head and neck
- fall or collision
- lifting or pulling a heavy object
- sleeping on a firm or high pillow
- performing a new sport
- performing activities that require repetitive neck movements

Also read: 7 Effective Exercises to Ease Neck Pain
What are the symptoms of a sprained neck?
The symptoms of muscle strain in the neck can range from being bearable to severely annoying and may limit your movement for simple activities, such as lifting or rotating your head. Understanding the symptoms can determine the exact cause of the strain while also helping you find the right medications or treatments for the same.
Some common symptoms of a sprained neck include:
- mild to severe pain and discomfort in the back of your neck or shoulder muscles that become annoying as you lift or tilt your head
- severe headaches, especially in the back side of the head
- difficulty moving your neck or head
- reduced range of motion in the neck
- stiffness in the neck
- muscle spasm
Pulled neck muscle treatment
Although muscle strain in the neck is not considered a serious injury, the discomfort and excruciating pain associated with it can be difficult to manage. Usually, the strain heals on its own, however, certain treatments can help ease the pain while the injury is in the healing process.
Some common treatments for neck strain relief include:
Icing: Icing the affected area a few times every day after the injury can potentially help ease discomfort and pain. Icing reduces inflammation too.
Medication: Your healthcare provider may recommend painkillers to alleviate pain and swelling. The doctor might also give you muscle relaxants to reduce and prevent muscle spasms in the neck.
Therapy: Regular physical therapy will help strengthen the weak muscles. Therapies may include exercises, ultrasounds, and massages.
Your healthcare provider may ask you to wear a soft collar to give your head and neck the support they need. The collar will also help relieve pressure on the muscles and tendons in the neck.

With the right treatment plan and rest, you’ll recover from a muscle strain in the neck within five weeks. However, if the injury is severe, it might take two to three months to fully recover.
In cases where the pain persists for several days and the aforementioned treatments do not provide enough relief, another combination of treatments, or even surgeries, may be needed to cure the strain.
Although muscle strain in the neck can’t be prevented and can happen anytime, you can reduce the risk by following certain tips. These include sitting and standing in a good posture, not lifting or carrying heavy objects on your shoulders, sleeping on a single, soft pillow, and exercising regularly to strengthen your neck muscles.
Also read: 6 Exercises You Should Do Every Single Day to Fix Your Posture