A recently aired episode of America's Got Talent featured Zion Clark, a 25-year-old native of Canton, Ohio, who impressed and inspired the judges. Clark advanced to the next round after receiving enthusiastic yes votes from each of the four judges for his performance.
He performed many strength-based exercises on stage, wowing both the panel and the audience with his amazing strength and agility. Tears were seen in the eyes of some audience members as they watched and applauded.
What Happened to Zion Clark?
Zion Clark was born without legs due to a rare birth condition known as caudal regression syndrome. Zion had to overcome many obstacles when he was a young child, but he never let his physical limitations or his harsh childhood define him or his goals.
He was a top-three wrestler in Ohio thanks to his prowess in the sport, and he earned a berth on the elite Team USA wrestling squad. He has been a part of MMA and also has three Guinness World Records.
What is Caudal Regression Syndrome?
A rare congenital condition called Caudal Regression Syndrome (CRS), often referred to as Sacral Agenesis, affects the growth of the lower spine (caudal region) and other lower body structures. It is a particular kind of neural tube defect, which means that it happens when the neural tube, the structure that eventually becomes the brain and spinal cord, does not close properly during early embryonic development.
Though the specific cause of Caudal Regression Syndrome is unknown, it is thought to be a combination of hereditary and environmental factors. According to certain studies, the risk of the illness may rise if a woman has diabetes while she is pregnant.
What are the symptoms of CRS?
Depending on the severity of the abnormality, CRS symptoms might differ greatly. Typical signs might include:
- The sacrum and coccyx of the lower spine are absent or underdeveloped.
- Lower limb malformation or absence, such as clubfoot or missing toes.
- Genitourinary system abnormalities, such as kidney or bladder anomalies.
- Anomalies of the digestive system, such as the imperforate anus.
- Various neurological conditions, such as nerve damage may impair bowel and bladder control.
Is there a Zion Clark documentary?
Yes! Zion Clark’s life has been depicted in a short 12-minute documentary titled, Zion. It is a 2018 film that shows his struggles of being born without legs, being the victim of abuse and abandonment as a kid, and finally becoming a wrestler.
Clark, a social media sensation with 1 million Instagram followers, wants to be the first American to compete in wrestling and wheelchair racing at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.