What is the deadliest mental illness? It may not be what you think

Which is the deadliest mental illness? How does it disrupt your life functioning? (Image via Vecteezy/  siri wannapat)
Which is the deadliest mental illness? How does it disrupt your life functioning? (Image via Vecteezy/siri wannapat)

Mental health issues can disrupt your life, but is there a deadliest mental illness? Before answering this question, it is important to think about what 'deadliest' means and how it is identified. While there may be a single answer to this question, any severe mental health condition can cause harm to one's life.

Which mental health issue pops up in your mind when you think of the word deadliest? Is it schizophrenia or, perhaps, major depressive disorder? You may be surprised to know that the deadliest mental illness is anorexia. It belongs to a larger group of eating disorders that can lead to severe consequences for your health, including death.

While the stats are important, each condition can feel deadly to you. (Image via Vecteezy/YES studio)
While the stats are important, each condition can feel deadly to you. (Image via Vecteezy/YES studio)

What is the most deadly mental illness?

Eating disorders have a high mortality rate. (Image via Freepik/ Storyset)
Eating disorders have a high mortality rate. (Image via Freepik/ Storyset)

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that significantly affects your relationship with your body. It is considered the deadliest since it not only increases the risk of suicide but also takes a toll on your physical body because of malnutrition. Anorexia is characterized by a relentless pursuit of a distorted body image.

It is important to note that eating disorders are not just about weight or eating habits; rather, they go much deeper. You can be at your ideal body weight and still experience deep dissatisfaction with your body and sense of self. Due to malnutrition, they often experience significant physical symptoms.

Some of these include low blood pressure and heart rate, muscle atrophy, and other physiological effects. The deadliest mental illness can be different for you, depending on your symptoms and concerns.

Irrespective of the statistics, your health is the most important. Recognizing that eating disorders can be threatening also helps create more awareness about the impact of the condition.

How can you seek help for the deadliest mental illness?

How can you seek help for the deadliest mental illness? (Image via Vecteezy/ Natalia Danko)
How can you seek help for the deadliest mental illness? (Image via Vecteezy/ Natalia Danko)

Many people avoid speaking about their eating disorders, especially those with anorexia. Unfortunately, in some cases, this condition can also lead to hospitalization. Seeking help to protect your life and build a healthier relationship, your body is courageous.

Therapy can become a space for you to identify the beliefs underlying your eating disorder. Additionally, you can start taking small steps towards recovering from an eating disorder:

  • Learn mindfulness instead of engaging in maladaptive eating practices
  • Explore nutritional counseling and management
  • Seek support from individuals with similar concerns
  • Slowly but steadily build a healthier relationship with food
  • Learn to let go of societal standards of body weight and perfection

Irrespective of the type of eating disorder, each one can have a profound impact on your life and your relationship with your body. A person with anorexia may have atypical eating habits, conceal their concerns from others, or even hide their bodies.

However, it is essential to remind them that they are not alone. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a huge difference in the recovery journey. If you know someone with the deadliest mental illness, don't stop yourself from seeking help.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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