Ear seeds seem to be making quite the ripple effect of late in the therapeutic treatments community. These strange tiny little things are the newest rage for obtaining a number of acupunctural benefits.
Evolved from ancient Chinese medicinal methods, ear seeds are a form of auriculotherapy that utilizes pressure points in the ear to improve the functions of other parts of the body.
Traditional Chinese medicine and methods rely significantly on the stimulation of pressure points to regulate the flow of energy, essentially known as “qi” in Chinese. The “qi” is what maintains our vital existence on earth and decides the direction of our activities.
The use of ear seeds is known to mimic the use of acupuncture to stimulate the pressure points, helping to correctly manage the flow of qi in the system.
There has been some evidence suggesting the efficacy of such an acupunctural method showing visible signs of improvement in users. The popularity of the technique is rising partly because of the strange way it is used and mostly because of the reputation of tested Chinese methodology.
What are ear seeds?
To understand what ear seeds actually are, one needs to understand the concept of auriculotherapy, which is commonly used in traditional Chinese treatment. This form of therapy uses the pressure points in the ear to rectify disorders in the other parts of the body.
These disorders can include conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, nausea, chronic pain, gynecological issues, digestive disorders, or even substance abuse to some degree.
Coming to the description of ear seeds, these are the tiny, ripe seeds of the Vaccaria plant contained within latex stickers, about the size of your fingernail. These stickers are placed by the acupuncturist in your ear at specific pressure points that correspond to the parts of your body that have complications.
These seeds pretty much serve the purpose of acupuncture needles, without actually puncturing the skin. One of the greater reasons for its rising fame? Absolutely.
What are the benefits of ear seeds?
There has not been enough research on the subject of the benefits that ear seeds can provide. However, some studies have indeed suggested their efficacy in correcting problems associated with insomnia and chronic pain.
Given that there are more than 120 pressure points in the ear alone, acupuncturists often define a very close relationship between the ear and the nervous system through their process. According to Chinese medicine, acupuncture in the ear can stimulate the 12 main meridians that are responsible for circulating energy throughout the body.
Some of the benefits that ear seeds can effectively provide are as follows:
- Reducing lower back pain and increasing mobility
- Reducing chronic pain in other parts of the body
- May help relieve depression and anxiety
- Reducing stress and migraines
- May help alleviate insomnia
- Could be used as a treatment for infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome, and other gynecological issues
- Can help with weight issues and substance abuse
- Can help reduce postoperative pain
Ear seeds for weight loss?
According to researchers, ear seeds can help with losing weight in a few scientific ways through the method of acupuncture. These are thought to stimulate the pressure points in our ears associated with feeling hunger. Sometimes, we might feel the urge to consume food when we are under substantial stress or anxiety.
Ear seeds are found to create a positive pressure that might redirect our focus away from food and onto something else, thus effectively reducing cravings for food at odd hours.
Another way ear seeds might help curb your appetite and thereby, any overconsumption of food is increasing your metabolism. A healthy metabolic rate is required for the body to convert nutrients from food into energy.
A slow metabolism makes it difficult to maintain proper body weight and to shed pounds in the case of obesity. This happens as the body fails to burn the calories generating energy. Ear seeds can effectively stimulate the points associated with metabolism helping to speed it up and promoting weight loss.
Side effects of ear seeds
Although ear seeds are known to be one of the safest ways to get the benefits of acupuncture since it doesn’t pierce the skin, there can be few complications if they are handled improperly.
- If the ear seeds are placed or rubbed into your skin too hard, they could cause the spot to become bruised or tender. This may cause pain or discomfort.
- At times metal ear seeds or the adhesive on the sticker can cause allergic reactions such as rashes, swelling, or irritation on the skin. People with sensitive skin should always take medical advice before going for the procedure.
- Since the seeds in the sticker are attached by adhesive, they might fall into the ear canal which might then require a medical intervention for removal. This is why it is always a better idea for an expert to place them into the ear.
- Stimulation of the wrong pressure points by ear seeds can make you feel dizzy or nauseous. You can also fall sick if it is not placed on the correct points.
- There is a certain point in the ear that can induce accidental labor. This is why ear seeds should be absolutely avoided if one is pregnant.
Looks like ear seeds are the new “cool” things for benefiting health-wise of late. Some people might be impressed with its teeny-weeny size and easy application that might also be tried out at home.
However, according to medical experts and acupuncturists, it is advisable for you to let a professional do the job for you since you might not know where the pressure points lie. If there is a wrong shift in the place of an ear seed, it might make you ill.
Overall, ear seeds seem like a good way to get started on the process of acupuncture if one is apprehensive or fearful of needles. The benefits provided by these may not be instant but they might help over time with a number of health complications.