Brian Cage is an American bodybuilder and professional wrestler contracted with All Elite Wrestling (AEW). The Elite Wrestling Superstar stands tall at six feet and weighs about 270 pounds.
'Swolverine' has built an impressive career in the business by featuring for various promotions such as Lucha Underground and IMPACT. There is no doubt Cage has one of the greatest physiques in the wrestling and bodybuilding business. He commands great respect in the ring even today.
An insane amount of effort and dedication is required to build a muscular physique like Brian Cage's. So, let’s look at the diet and workout routine of this professional wrestler that has enabled him to stay in shape.
Brian Cage’s Workout Routine
Brian Cage has said that being lean is extremely important for his wrestling career, especially when it comes to maintaining his athleticism.
He might go wild for a day or two after a show, but he quickly returns to the contest-mode diet. The professional bodybuilder might stray from his diet every now and then, but on most days, Cage focuses on having a clean diet and following a military workout regimen.
The professional wrestler and bodybuilder has said that doing both sports simultaneously tends to pose a challenge for his workout regimen at times. He has said that it's a double-edged sword for him, and he has to cut back a little bit to find a happy medium.
A typical week of training for Brian Cage consists of weights and cardio workouts. Sometimes, he also significantly extends the cardio workout to seven days a week, depending on his preparation. Cage does cardio workouts for at least 30 minutes a day.
His weight training involves six days a week of workouts. He exclusively splits every muscle group, even the quads and hamstrings. Cage does not miss out on even a single day of workout even when he is travelling.
Tips for Beginners
Brian Cage has said that 90 percent of people have the common misconception that people should do cardio exercises immediately before weight training. Cage says that it's a terrible idea. That's because hitting the weights with a higher heart rate tends to burn the muscles as fuel, as glycogen has already been depleted due to cardio exercises.
Brian Cage’s Diet
It's not every day you come across a physique as impressive as Brian Cage's. The wrestler has said that to maintain a muscular physique, he tends to follow intense diet plans and a high number of daily workouts. He weighs out everything he consumes to the point, including vegetables, protein powder, steak, chicken, pre-workout meals and more.
Additionally, Cage has also incorporated and distributed supplements throughout the day to help with the workout and recovery of his muscles. For instance, in between workouts, he likes to have BCAA, as it gives him a lot more endurance. He consumes fibre at night to burn fat quickly and reduce bloating. Similarly, he also has multi-vitamins to ensure that all his nutrition needs are being met.
Cage focuses on consuming about 4000 calories every day. He focuses on having high protein and low carbs in his diet. He consumes carbs generally before and after workout meals to fuel his workouts. On a daily basis, he consumes around 100 grams of carbs, and his other diets are of high protein content.
Cage tried the carnivore diet in 2020 and liked its outcome, so he included that in his lifestyle. To consume 4000 daily calories, he consumes a good amount of chicken and ground beef, around 24 egg whites, rice, oatmea, and six whole eggs.
He likes to have cheat meals on days he's not preparing for bodybuilding shows. For that, he likes to splurge on something unique and fancy. In an interview, Cage said that he especially likes Japanese food. After a show in Japan, he went out to have sushi and barbecue.
Bottom Line
Brian Cage commands high respect in both the bodybuilding and wrestling business.
To stay in shape and maintain his body, he follows a military intensive workout and intensive diet regime. He does not favour any low prep or high rep training. Cage works out according to how he feels and at other times, he follows a proper regimen.
Nevertheless, he advises people to go for their goals with full force and not let others hold them back. The same goes for your fitness goals. Don't shy away from trying the workout routine and diet of Cage if you want a muscular physique like him.