What Is Channing Tatum’s Workout Routine That Helps Him Stay in Incredible Shape?

Channing Tatum keeps a simple workout routine and incorporates clean eating habits to stay in shape (Image via IG @channingtatum)
Channing Tatum keeps a simple workout routine and incorporates clean eating habits to stay in shape (Image via IG @channingtatum)

Channing Tatum is known for his ability to dance, act and leap off buildings while looking good doing it all.

It's no secret that the actor relies on his body for strength, agility and versatility, so it makes sense that he spends a lot of time in the gym. However, the workout routine that sculpted his muscles isn't one you can do in an hour or two a day.

What does Channing Tatum's workout routine look like?

Channing Tatum relies on a simple workout routine to keep himself in shape. His favorite workouts include body-weight exercises like pullups, pushups, and dips that help build strength while enhancing his muscles.

The 42-year-old repeats these exercises until he can no longer perform them correctly or safely (he recommends starting with 20 reps of each exercise). He then takes a break before repeating the routine. He does this up to three times per week.

Here's what a typical day might look like for him:

  • Bike Ride: 20 miles
  • Pool Workout: 10 to 20 laps swimming, water burpees, and situps.

Then, it's off to the gym for four rounds of a full-body circuit workout with no rest between exercises:

  • 400-meter run on the treadmill
  • 10 reps of back squats (with weight)
  • 10 reps of hang cleans (with weight)
  • 10 reps of manmakers (with weight)
  • 10 reps of pullups

Tatum will alternate between push and pull circuits one day and combine the two the next. He avoids repeating workouts in the same week.

Channing Tatum's Diet

Channing Tatum's diet is all about lean muscle mass and clean eating.

For breakfast, he starts with a veggie smoothie with kale, spinach, celery, and romaine.

He likes to keep the fruit to a minimum (since it can be high in sugar) and drink his smoothie with each meal. The second part of his breakfast is eggs—a great source of vitamins and protein.

Lunch typically consists of grilled chicken or turkey, another great source of lean protein that fuels your muscles.

In between those three meals, he'll snack on protein bars or nuts between meals.

For dinner, it's a grilled chicken or steak with vegetables. He also believes in eating every two hours so your body gets all the nutrients it needs to fuel your energy levels throughout the day.

Tatum's approach to keeping his body free from toxins is simple. He consumes no white sugar, no grains (including rice and quinoa), no chemical additives (which are basically everywhere), nothing artificial, no junk food, and no soda.

Tatum also promotes proper rest. He believes it is important to have a sleep pattern and not skip one's sleep. The reason you need proper rest and energy for a workout is that the body requires rest for recovery after an aggressive workout.


Channing Tatum's workout routine isn't revolutionary, but it certainly is effective. It has helped him achieve an impressive physique that is hard to come by naturally, so you might be able to recreate similar results with a program of your own.

It's never a bad idea to include exercises that build overall strength as part of your routine. Dips, pushups, and pullups are all solid choices in this regard.

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