What Is Dwayne Johnson's Workout, Diet And Routine That Helps Him Stay In Shape?

Dwayne Johnson's Workout and Diet revealed (Image via wallpaperaccess)
Dwayne Johnson's Workout and Diet revealed (Image via wallpaperaccess)

Dwayne Johnson, popularly known as 'The Rock', is one of Hollywood's biggest movie stars and is also regarded as one of the greatest wrestlers ever.

Over the years, Johnson has accumulated a reputation for being a fitness freak. He has built a body so massive and enviable that it puts many competitive athletes to shame. So how does he manage to do it? What's his secret? In this piece, we'll examine everything about his lifestyle, from his workouts to his diet.

Dwayne Johnson's Workout Regime

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson’s fitness journey started when he was playing football in college.

Growing up, he was a big, athletic kid who played football, basketball and volleyball. However, his grades weren’t good enough for him to play college sports at the University of Miami in Florida. He transferred to the University of Miami in Ohio and played defensive lineman there for one season before being kicked off the team due to his poor grades.

After having a disappointing experience with football at two different universities, Johnson decided that he wanted to get serious about his health and fitness goals. He moved to Hawaii where he lived with another former football player, Ron Harris, who was training people at a local gym called World Gym International/Gold's Gym USA Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel & Spa (now known as Gold's Gym Honolulu).

Harris became Johnson's mentor during this period; together they trained hard every day till they achieved their desired results: Johnson became very muscular, while Harris lost around 100 pounds.

Dwayne Johnson's intense workout routine involves training seven days a week

Dwayne Johnson has an intense workout routine that involves training seven days a week. He works out in the morning, starting his day at 3:30 AM. Before he does anything else, he spends about three hours every day working out with his trainer, David Rienzi.

Johnson keeps his diet very clean and healthy, but he goes overboard when it comes to what he eats on special occasions like Thanksgiving or Christmas.

You might be wondering what his five core movements are. The answer is: squats, deadlifts, bench presses, overhead presses and power clean. These exercises help build muscle and strength while also making you more efficient in sports and everyday tasks. They're universal, as they work for people of all fitness levels.

You can even adjust the difficulty level of this workout routine to fit your needs by decreasing or increasing the amount of weight you use when performing each exercise—great news for those who want to take things slow.

Dwayne Johnson mixes boxing and swimming to train his full body

Dwayne Johnson does a lot of boxing, and he mixes that up with swimming. Boxing is an excellent full-body workout, as it works out the arms, back, chest and abs—and it's also great for toning the glutes and legs.

Swimming is another full-body exercise that's particularly good in burning off fat while retaining muscle mass (you'll have less flab than usual). Johnson trains his entire body, as he wants to look good from every angle on screen. He doesn't want to be viewed as 'top heavy' or 'bottom heavy.'

He also works on explosive movements and slow-lift strength.

  • Explosive movements are good for power and speed.
  • Slow-lift strength is good for muscle endurance.

Both these exercise types are important to have in your workout routine, so you should include them in your workout as well.

Johnson doesn't focus on cardio but mixes in lots of different workouts

Dwayne Johnson says he doesn't focus on cardio but mixes in lots of different workouts. 'The Rock' does cardio to maintain his heart health and burn fat, which helps him maintain muscle mass and improve his energy levels, endurance and overall body composition.

He maintains his diet with lots of protein and vegetables. Johnson's diet is all about balance. He maintains his diet with lots of protein and vegetables but also allows himself to indulge in other foods — just not as much.

"I don't eat like a pig," he says. "I'm disciplined." To garner the title of 'The Rock' is no mean feat. As such, it comes as no surprise that Dwayne Johnson consumes a whopping 6,000 calories per day. Yes, you heard that right.

Johnson loves to indulge in high-quality proteins, from salmon to buffalo, and even chicken breast, pairing them with nutritious carbs, like rice and sweet potatoes. However, he's no stranger to cheat meals. Part of the reason for his continued consistency is that he loves to reward himself for his hard work during the week. He particularly enjoys cheeseburgers, pancakes and his own brand of tequila.


'The Rock' is a Hollywood star, so that means he has access to the best trainers, nutritionists and equipments. He also works harder than anyone else.

If you think that watching his movies or following his Instagram feed will automatically make you look like him, think again. While some people may be able to rely on genetics to help them achieve their fitness goals, most of us need more than that—we need dedication and hard work.

The thing about us humans is that we're all different: our bodies respond differently to exercise and diet; our metabolism runs at different speeds; our mindsets differ as well.

What's great about Dwayne Johnson's approach is that it doesn't require an expensive gym membership or fancy branded supplements—just good old-fashioned hard work. If there's one thing we can learn from 'The Rock' himself, it's this: believe in yourself enough to know things will work out eventually.

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Edited by Bhargav
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