The Leg pull back in Pilates is an intermediate-level classic mat exercise that focuses on your abdominal and back muscles and strengthens your hamstrings and glutes.
Also referred to as a reverse plank with a leg pull, the leg pull up or reverse plank with leg lifts, this exercise typically targets all the muscles which are weakened or tight from a sedentary lifestyle by opening your chest, shoulders and hips.
The leg pull back in Pilates requires you to engage your core and focus on the working of your upper back, hamstrings and glutes to help stabilise your shoulder muscles and alleviate tight pecs.
How to do Leg pull back in Pilates?
Step-by-step instructions:
- Sit upright on a mat with both your legs together and extended in front of you. Keep your abs tight, spine straight and shoulders relaxed.
- Keep your chest lifted and shoulders rotated down and back.
- Pull your hands directly back till it reaches flat on the floor, with your fingertips pointing straight. This position will require you to lean back slightly.
- Breathe easily. On an exhale, engage your hamstring muscles, and raise your pelvis to create a straight line from your ear to your ankle.
- Make sure your abdominal muscles are stabilising your pelvis and trunk.
- Push down through your arms, but keep your chest open to get extra support from your back.
- At the top movement, inhale.
- As you exhale, deepen the stretch at your hip, and lift your left leg towards the ceiling. The rest of your body should be completely stable.
- Make sure your pelvis doesn’t move out of the alignment and your hips don’t move or drop.
- On an inhale, return your leg to the floor, and keep the rest of your body still.
- As you exhale, lift your right leg, and perform the same move.
- Inhale, and return the leg to the floor, and exhale to hold the position.
- Bring your pelvis back to the ground, and keep your shoulders down and relaxed.
- Repeat.
Watch this video for reference:
Important Tips for Beginners
If you're a beginner, follow these tips when doing the leg pull back in Pilates:
- If you have difficulty placing your hand, simply turn your hands to keep the fingers pointed out to the sides.
- If you feel strain in your lower back, check your posture, and alternate it with the bridge pose.
- If you have trouble opening your shoulders and chest, try performing this exercise from a chair or bench. To do that, keep your hands directly under your shoulders on a chair base, and move your feet out to create a tabletop position.
- If this exercise is hard on your arms or wrists, try lowering yourself between each rep. Also, keep your fingers out rather than down to make the position a bit more comfortable.
- You can also perform this exercise on your elbows.
Benefits of leg pull back in Pilates
The leg pull back in Pilates helps stretch the front of your body while strengthening your hamstrings, arms and back muscles.
Practicing this exercise regularly can add functional fitness to your everyday chores, which is especially important as you age and your muscles start to weaken. This exercise is also a great strengthening workout for runners and other athletes.
Common Mistakes
Avoid these mistakes when doing the leg pull back in Pilates to avoid injury and pain:
Extending your knees and elbows way too much
When doing this Pilates move, be mindful not to over-extend your knees and elbows. Make sure your limbs are straight, but if you are unable to keep them straight due to flexibility issues, do not force. You may also use your glutes and back to take extra pressure off your knees.
Do not sink while doing this exercise
When doing this move, make sure to lift your body rather than lower it to the floor. Do not allow your lower body and neck to sink. Always keep your neck straight and shoulders down to maintain the correct alignment.
Bottom Line
The leg pull back in Pilates is not recommended for people with injuries to their shoulders, neck, wrists, hamstrings, back or knees. You should feel a good stretch during the exercise, but if you experience any pain or discomfort, immediately come out of the position, and relax.