Jawline acne, as the name suggests, is the occurrence of acne at the jawline. Unlike other acne, this type is not always due to hormonal imbalance. There could be several other culprits for this. Acne has always been an enemy and can bring on several problems with its treatment.
However, acne along the jawline is another headache that needs to be addressed as they are generally solid and do not consist of any pus, unlike acne on the rest of the face.
Thus, understanding its causes, treatment, and preventive measures for the effective treatment of this form of acne becomes important in order to avoid the risks of getting a permanent scar on our face.
Jawline acne: What are the causes of it?

Acne is considered to be one of those situations we face regularly in our lives. Acne along the jawline is quite difficult to treat as it is always prone to recurrence. While the main cause of this is due to hormonal imbalance, other reasons for this could be stress, changes in diet, or various skin conditions.
Hormonal Imbalance
The oil glands present in our skin called the sebaceous glands produce oil, which is responsible for shielding the skin. Now the oil reaches to the surface of the skin through pores. If due to some reason like dirt or excess oil, these pores get blocked we experience acne.
Hormonal imbalances in the body can cause excess production of oil in the body causing blockages. This could be seen more in women, especially during their menstrual cycle or due to the consumption of contraceptive pills.
Further, this could also be connected to PCOS, a hormonal disorder in women. In men, jawline acne is seen due to cuts after a shave opening a portal for bacteria.
When we are stressed our blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing increase. Along with this, our oil glands produce excess oil, which can be another reason behind jawline acne.
Changes in diet
Foods like milk, protein, or alcohol can contribute to jawline acne. The hormones in these foods may cause breakouts which in turn causes the formation of acne. In milk, it could be due to inflammation, and in protein, this is due to an increase in insulin levels.
Cosmetic Products
If your skin is sensitive various cosmetic products like a new face wash or new makeup can clog your pores due to the heavy oils present in makeup. Other than this, helmet straps, sports equipment, or musical instruments like the violin can also trigger jawline acne as they may trap heat and cause clogs.
Various skin conditions like folliculitis or rosacea can also be the culprit behind jawline acne.
Treatment for Jawline acne

For the treatment of jawline acne, all you need to do is stick to the basics. Clean your face regularly for the removal of excess oil or the application of salicylic acid for the removal of it.
One can also opt for anti-androgen drugs to maintain hormone levels in the body. However, a proper prescription from a doctor is needed for this. Moreover, laser or chemical peels can also do the work for severe cases.
To prevent future breakouts make sure you clean your face regularly, do not touch your face unnecessarily, abstain from popping pimples, and use clean razor. Moreover, eat a healthy and balanced diet and avoid junk as much as you can. Following these can help you avoid it altogether.