Our rib cage has a substantial function, it is a powerhouse for vital organs such as the heart, lungs, and liver. However, when pain radiates from the right side of this vital shield, it's hard to ignore. Whether it's a piercing, tight jab or a persistent dull ache, uncovering the root cause can be a challenging task.
In this article, we will discuss eight potential reasons behind the pain in your right rib cage.
Potential reasons that cause pain in the right rib cage
#1. Physical Injury

The most common cause of pain comes from physical harm - falls, road accidents, or sports injuries. Damages may include broken, bruised or fractured ribs and strained muscles. Its diagnosis involves X-rays to spot fractures or breaks, and MRIs for identifying soft tissue injuries.
#2. Costochondritis

Costochondritis, also called Tietze’s syndrome, can cause rib pain. It occurs when the soft part that connects your ribs to your chest bone (or the costosternal joint) becomes inflamed. The pain can be subtle or really strong. Some people get better on their own, while others need to see a doctor.
#3. Infection

Chest related infections like bronchitis and pneumonia can cause sore muscles due to coughing or pleurisy which is when the tissue between your lungs and ribs get swollen. This can cause pain in your ribs.
#4. Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in the U.S. If you feel pain in your ribs or chest that hits harder when you suck in a big breath, cough, or laugh, it might be a heads-up.
Coughing blood or unusual pain, being unable to breathe can be a hint of cancer. It can start from somewhere else and can spread to lungs leading to chest and rib pain.
#5. Fibromyalgia

This chronic condition is characterized by pain across the body, affecting up to 4% of the population, specially women. The associated discomfort, often felt in the rib, could be a burning, throbbing, stabbing or aching sensation. Typically, non-specific chest pain or rib cage pain leads to most hospital admissions among people with fibromyalgia.
#6. Pulmonary embolism (PE)

This situation can be critical when a blood clot in your leg blocks artery to your lungs. Apart from the pain, it might even cause shortness or rapid breathing, unstable heartbeat, dizziness, anxiety and sweating.
#7. Gallstones

The gallbladder, seated just beneath the rib cage's right side, can cause rib pain when it has gallstones. These hardened deposits can lead to sudden, intense pain, often described as being "stabbed" with a knife or needle in the right side under the ribs.
#8. Liver Disease

The liver, placed on the right side under your ribs, can cause aches if it gets all swollen. It might be due to Hepatitis, cirrhosis or even liver cancer.
People experience rib pain in different ways – it could be sharp, mild, aching, sudden, persistent, constant, or come and go. It might also get worse when breathing in or moving. Other symptoms might be bruising, tenderness, and trouble breathing.
If you ever feel pain, better consult a doctor, and if the pain gets worse, and breathing gets tough, get help as soon as possible, you could be having a heart attack.
In summary, the causes for right rib cage pain are diverse. Some issues fix themselves, but others need a doctor's help—letting them slide could get serious.