Anxiety disorders are common mental health conditions that continue to impact many individuals.
A type, unspecified anxiety disorder, can cause confusion and make you feel chaotic. This diagnosis is given to individuals who meet the criteria for a clinical level of anxiety but don't meet the full criteria of other anxiety disorders.
The Diagnostic Statistical Manual is used as a reference by most clinicians to diagnose individuals and see if they meet criteria. However, concerns were raised when individuals didn't show the exact symptoms or didn't meet the entire criteria.
Unspecified diagnoses help us recognize that even if you don't meet the entire diagnostic chart, your concerns are still legitimate and need attention.
What is an unspecified anxiety disorder?

It's important to reiterate that even if you are diagnosed with an unspecified anxiety disorder, your symptoms may be severe enough.
It means that even if they are one or two symptoms, they may be disrupting your everyday functioning. Individuals with this condition often display generalized anxiety and worry about various aspects of their lives. Again, you may not display all the symptoms to warrant a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder.
You may also experience physical symptoms of anxiety. It often lies on a continuum and can range from sweaty palms to a rise in heart rate and breath rate.
Additionally, you may experience muscle tension and body pain. Both emotional and physical symptoms may affect your functioning at work, your relationships and everyday routine.
How can an unspecified anxiety disorder be treated?

The primary treatment modality for anxiety disorders is psychotherapy and medication.
According to the research on the management of unspecified anxiety disorder, non-pharmacological treatments should be considered as first-line treatments for this condition. Here are some examples:
#1 Coping strategies
There are various coping strategies for anxiety. These are often derived from various therapy approaches, but cognitive behavioral therapy appears to have the most evidence for the treatment of anxiety.
A coping strategy is something that allows you to manage anxiety and makes you feel in control. Remember that ideally, these strategies should let you challenge your fears.
#2 Psycho-education

Knowing about your symptoms, potential treatment methods and impact is especially important with unspecified conditions.
The vague nature of this condition can add to your worry; therefore, knowledge feels empowering. Talking to others, especially professionals, can help you acquire the correct information.
#3 Lifestyle modifications
There are certain negative habits that contribute to the deterioration of our mental health.
These can be everyday practices like irregular sleep timings, lack of physical activity, excessive screen time or even excessive caffeine intake. While these may not individually make you anxious, the combined effect can wreak havoc.
Whether it's an unspecified condition or a specified one, it can make it difficult for you to manage your everyday life.
The good news is that a mental health professional can tailor the therapy approach to cater to your needs. Therapy can become an individualised space to manage an unspecified anxiety disorder.
Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.
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