When can babies have juice: Right time to introduce your toddler to sugary goodness

when can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by kelvin)
when can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by kelvin)

Many young parents ask themselves, when can babies have juice? Switching your kid from milk to solid food is a big step. Every parent wonders about the best food and drink for their child.

Although 100 percent fruit juice has nutritional value, it's not suitable for babies under one year old.

Even after your child's first birthday, provide the sipper in moderation. For the first six months, babies should exclusively consume formula or breast milk (it's even greater if you're able to breastfeed for a whole year).

When can babies have juice?

You can dilute the juice by mixing water with juice to give it more volume and reduce its sweet taste.

It is not suggested that babies under the age of 12 drink juice. The sole exception is if your paediatrician has prescribed just a little apple juice in order to relieve constipation.

When can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)
When can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)

Beyond that, juice has no nutritional value for your kid and may contribute to early tooth damage, a rise in weight, and a preference for sweet flavors. After one year of age, undiluted 100 percent juice is acceptable as an exclusive treat.

Do not think of it as an everyday beverage for your child to drink throughout the day. Since juices can be so sweet, it may instruct your child's taste buds to anticipate extra sweet flavors in their foods, making things like whole fruit less appetising.

You may dilute the juice by adding water to it to increase its volume and diminish its sweetness.

when can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)
when can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by pixabay)

Things to know

Fruit is loaded with minerals and vitamins. It can help lessen the risk of heart disease, possibly safeguard against cancer, and keep you from eating too many calories.

Drinking a glass of juice, however, is not exactly ideal. It does not include fiber, which can be discovered in entire fruits.

when can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Kindel Media)
when can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by Kindel Media)

Fruit juice is additionally high in sugar, which can contribute to weight gain as well as cavities. And because fruit juice tastes pleasant, children are more likely to consume a lot of calories from it, which can lead to obesity.

If you give your infant juice before they obtain nutrients and vitamins from solid foods, they may get overly full and refuse formula or breast milk.

when can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by singkham)
when can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by singkham)

Remember that liquids such as water and juice may fill a baby up despite providing the necessary vitamins and minerals they need to thrive and develop.

If kids do not receive adequate nutrition, the likelihood of malnutrition, failing to thrive, and the likelihood of getting anaemia increases. These disorders can lead to serious health and development difficulties.

when can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by sam rana)
when can babies have juice (image sourced via Pexels / Photo by sam rana)

Some juices are more suitable for youngsters than others. The ideal juice to provide is pure orange or apple juice without additional sugar. Other juices that can be provided are:

While it may appear that offering your baby solely fruit is harmless, it is important to note that the majority of the beneficial stuff (such as fiber and helpful nutrients) is not present.

Fruit juice is abundant in sugar and calorie content, which can cause obesity, and it doesn't seem very healthful.

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