Renowned dancer Derek Hough recently posted an update on his Instagram about his wife Hayley Erbert, a professional dancer, undergoing an emergency craniectomy. Derek Hough shared that Hayley Erbert was performing on her tour in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, December 7, when she experienced some disorientation.
The cause of her disorientation was later found to be a cranial hematoma, which occurs as a result of a blood vessel bursting into the skull or brain. Craniectomy is a serious brain surgery, and the condition needs instant medical consideration.
Why Did Hayley Erbert Need a Craniectomy?
Hayley Erbert reportedly had to undergo this procedure after she experienced disorientation, following a performance at one of her tour destinations. In his recent post, Derek Hough shared:
“At the end of last night’s tour performance in Washington, D.C., my wife Hayley became disoriented and was taken to the hospital."
However, she is out of the woods now, as Derek mentioned that she had an emergency craniectomy.
Derek’s sister, Julianne Hough, said in her repost story:
"Please pray and send all your love, healing, and light to Hayley and Derek. . . Thank you from the depths of our families' hearts!"
Meanwhile, their friend, Jenna Dewan commented on the post:
"Prayers and love for you both!!!"
Derek Hough once again posted a day ago, explaining her condition and how she is being strong under these circumstances. He acknowledged and expressed his gratitude for all the love and support they are getting from their followers.
What is Craniectomy?
Craniectomy is a serious condition caused by a busted blood vessel within the skull or brain. The extra blood oozing into the skull can cause disorientation, similar to what Hayley Erbert experienced. The common causes of craniectomy are head injuries, sudden effects on the head, and serious traumas like car accidents or severe falls.
A craniectomy is performed to decrease the pressure caused by excess blood in the brain. In the process, a part of the skull is deduced, which requires patients to put on a helmet that protects the skull after the surgery. Cranioplasty is done to replace that deduced part of the skull.
How Serious Is Craniectomy?
Craniectomy is considered a major brain surgery, and it can be life-threatening as well. It is advised to avoid such brain damage that can rupture the blood vessels present in the brain to necessiate this procedure. Due to the presence of very little space between the skull and the brain, it becomes very hard to maintain the pressure within the brain to retain the ideal function of the brain.
Healthcare doctors follow a proper protocol during the procedure of a craniectomy, and it requires serious attention and precision. The procedure involves shaving the hair at the incision site, cutting an incision into the skin, and deranging the muscles and tissues to disclose the scalp.
After that, doctors generally use a drill to create burr holes into the skull. As soon as they are done, they cut between the holes and remove a segment of the skull. After removing the segment, they manage the internal pressure, before covering the disclosed skull with mesh. The muscles and tissues are then rearranged, and the surgeon may then proceed to close the incision, using staples or sutures.
Although Derek Hough’s wife Hayley Erbert had to undergo a complex brain surgery, she is out of danger now. However, the dancer has a long road of recovery ahead of her.