You might have wondered about what made the Vikings so physically strong. The Vikings are generally portrayed as big, well-built people with exceptional fighting skills in both historical and fantastical tales.
If you watch any contemporary television program about a Viking, you'll typically see warriors boasting immense strength and muscle. In the midst of war and struggle, it is likely that the Vikings had to be tough by nature. They had no choice except to either kill or be killed. As a result, the Vikings had to be tough both physically and mentally.
What Made the Vikings So Physically Strong?
No official records exist that would allow us to estimate the size of the Viking population. However, the records we do have show that the Vikings engaged in a lot of practices that helped them build their tactical muscles, including their hips, core, and legs. They would build ships, pull incredibly big things, and row to various coastlines.
Here are some reasons to support why the Vikings were so physically strong:
1) Physical Work
First of all, the Vikings weren't full-time warriors or raiders. They were mostly farmers, hunters, and fishermen. Their employment was centered around providing for their family's needs. These were physically demanding tasks that kept them in shape and made the Vikings so physically strong.

The ax was a favorite weapon of the Vikings, who used it for many of their daily tasks from felling trees, making kindling for fire, or even in shipbuilding.
2) Healthy Diet
The Vikings did not consume processed sweets that are prevalent now and had a fairly nutritious and healthy diet. Sweeteners were derived from products like fruit, berries, and honey.
There was no overindulgence that would have had a detrimental effect on the Vikings' physical health, despite the fact that they did enjoy sweet food.

The use of too much sugar can result in diabetes and obesity and has many other harmful consequences for the body. However, compared to modern times, sugar consumption in the rest of Europe was still quite modest. The Vikings enjoyed an active diet that only included natural sugars, which can be another reason that made the Vikings so physically strong.
3) Dedicated Training
Perhaps the strongest of the Vikings were their warriors. All Vikings apparently worked out their muscles by doing chores around the house, but the Viking warriors were said to be particularly committed to their training. They spent a lot of time honing their abilities and building their strength.

The goal for the Viking warriors was to appear as frightening as possible. In addition to carving lines into their teeth that they would later fill with dye to make them appear more monstrous, some Viking warriors braided their hair to display their might.
4) Ancient Weightlifting
You might wonder, what is ancient weightlifting? Was weightlifting prevalent in those times? Well, it was not exactly the sport that we are now familiar with, but certainly in some ways people were engaged with a version of weightlifting prevalent during the period.
To develop muscle, strength, and agility, people lifted large stones, rocks, crude dumbbells, hefty clubs, and their own bodies. It is believed that weightlifting not only coexisted but rather thrived in these ancient communities.
5) Training Young
Since their early years, the Vikings possessed their own weaponry. Axes were the most popular weapon since they were easy to create and quite effective. In fact, it was customary for them to use an ax to defend both themselves and their loved ones. Finding a means to defend your family was crucial in a society where the law was still evolving.

It helped them develop the ability to regularly engage in conflict. It implied that the Vikings always managed to surround themselves with fighters in order to advance their abilities. They took this action seriously to get ready for their impending raids. After a protracted expedition, some seasoned warriors would return and teach the younger Vikings how to fight.
We can therefore say that their lifestyle made the Vikings so physically strong. The Vikings were well-built people who had endured extreme physical strain in order to survive. Bodies discovered in ancient cemeteries display the wear and tear that was common among people who prided themselves on sustaining survival via knowledge and physical strength.