Winters are the best time for warm foods. Foods like apricots, gurh, some nuts, revri-gajjak, soups, herbal teas etc. are some good options. Winter sun is amazing . No tanning, loads of Vit D and warmth. What a deal. I was feeling lazy since morning, ate gazzak and revri for warmth and kicked off my blanket to do the following WOD
50 rounds suryanamaskars
10 mins hula hoop
50 rounds suryanamaskars
10 mins double unders practice
Pranayams and om chating
After every 10 rounds of suryanamaskars, I did a strengthening asana/pose in this order.
1. Vrikshasana
2. Rajkapotaasana
3. Side Plank
4. Side bending – Katichakraasana
5. Hula Hoop
I had been trying it from long, had almost given up on my body to learn it but it happened today. It was so much fun. Please get one hula hoop. It is an amazing workout gear.
6. Shoulder stand: Sarvanaasana
7. Boat Pose: Naukasana
8. Forward fold: Paschimottanaasana
9. Shoulder Bridge: Setu bandhaasana
10. Double unders
I have been practicing it from yesterday. I do it barefoot. I am not able to do double unders yet but my speed and technique of skipping has improved. I feel it is a very good workout for the core. The best technique to skip is to roll from the wrist. And to keep the abs braced with shoulder blades rolled down towards each other.
I had 5 apricots and loads of water post workout. One should have proper dinner in half an hour.