Due to its countless benefits, yoga exercises have been increasingly creeping into mainstream workout routines. Time and again, it has been proven that practicing a few restorative yoga poses can drastically improve a person's overall physical health and help with anxiety and fatigue that come with everyday chores.
We have created a list of some of the best yoga exercises you can include in your daily routine to deal with anxiety and fatigue.
Fish pose and 5 other simple yoga exercises to help with anxiety and fatigue
1. Tree Pose or Vrikshasana
Tree poses are classic yoga exercises you can include in your daily routine to help with anxiety and fatigue. This pose will help you with overall better concentration and focus that will help you block the chaos and chatter of the outside world.
Here's how to do it:
- Start in an upright standing position before slowly shifting your bodyweight to the left foot and raising your right one off the ground.
- Bring the sole of your right foot to your inner left thigh with your right knee bent towards the side and press them both towards one another.
- Reach with your arms overhead into a prayer position and hold the pose for a few moments.
- Swap sides and repeat.
2. Seated Forward Bend or Paschimottanasana
Seating forward bends will help relieve anxiety by calming your mind and focusing inward. This yoga exercise's stretching movement will help manage fatigue by rejuvenating your body and working on your posterior chain.
Here's how to do it:
- Start in an upright sitting position with your legs outstretched in front of you and back erect.
- Lift your arms overhead before folding forward from the chest to bring your upper body over your legs along with touching your palms to the ankles.
- Hold this pose for a few moments before releasing it.
3. Fish Pose or Matsyasana
Fish pose is among the simplest and most efficient yoga exercises to help relieve anxiety and fatigue by alleviating the tightness and tension from your posterior chain. This pose will work on your abdominals, traps, intercostal, and hip flexors.
Here's how to do it:
- Start in a sitting position on the ground with your legs outstretched in front of you and hands placed under your butt.
- Expand your chest towards the ceiling while squeezing your elbows together before leaning back on your elbows and forearms.
- Keep your chest lifted off the ground by pressing onto your arms.
- Hold the pose for about a minute before releasing.
4. Extended Puppy Pose or Uttana Shishosana
Extended puppy pose is also one of the most effective yoga exercises to help deal with anxiety and fatigue by relieving tension through lengthening and stretching movements. This pose will target your back, spine, and shoulders.
Here's how to do it:
- Start off in a tabletop position with your hands extended a few inches at the front and your butt stacked over your heels.
- Keep your elbows lifted, your hands pressed onto the ground, and your arm muscles engaged.
- Softly keep your forehead on the ground in a resting position.
- Hold this pose for a few minutes before releasing.
5. Legs Up the Wall Pose or Viparita Karani
Legs up the wall is a calming and restorative yoga exercise that completely rejuvenates a person's mind and body. It will target your posterior chain, leg muscles, and pelvic region with simple and efficient movement.
Here's how to do it:
- Start with your front torso towards the wall before bringing your legs against the wall with your hips as close to the wall as possible.
- Soften and press your neck, back, and chest to the ground.
- Stay in the pose for a few moments before slowly releasing.
6. Butterfly Pose or Baddha Konasana
A butterfly pose is a relatively simple yoga exercise that will help relieve anxiety and stress with restorative and relaxing movements. This pose will ground you in a movement and help drain your tension.
Here's how to do it:
- Assume a seated position on the ground with your knees bent sideways and the soles of your feet touching one another.
- Make sure to keep your spine long throughout the movement.
- Wrap your palms around your feet and try to push your knees towards the ground as much as possible.
Bottom line
The yoga exercises mentioned above will provide a multitude of benefits with simple and restorative movements. They will help you deal with anxiety and fatigue by refocusing and calming your mind with deep breathing techniques and relaxing movements.
Yoga exercises will also help rejuvenate your body by releasing stress and tension from your muscles. Considering the benefits of the yoga exercises mentioned above, you should include them in your workout routine.