Yoga poses are known to increase growth hormones in the body, which is why fitness and medical professionals often suggest practicing a few yoga poses to look taller.
The height of an individual depends on several factors such as genetics and the environment. However, there are also other factors such as nutrition and physical activity that you can adjust to achieve a taller frame.
There are certain yoga poses that can make you look taller by enhancing your posture, improving your alignment, straightening your body, and more. These yoga poses will further enable you to increase the flexibility of the body by stretching and strengthening your muscles.
Here are six of the best yoga poses that can be incorporated into your regular routine to look taller.
Best Yoga Poses and Exercises That Could Make You Look Taller
1. Seated Forward Bend
Seated forward bends are a great yoga pose that will not only make you look taller but will also be highly beneficial for the whole body. It will stimulate the digestive system, fight insomnia, and massage internal organs.
Here's how to do it:
- Begin in a seated position on your hip bones with your legs straightened to the front.
- Lift your arms up before bending forward from above your hips.
- Bring your upper body to your legs while stretching your arms to reach your toes.
- Stay seated on the forward bend for a few moments before gently releasing.
2. Hand-to-Foot Pose
Hand-to-foot poses are also dynamic yoga poses that will not only make you look taller through better posture and flexibility, but will also help in reducing belly fat.
Here's how to do it:
- Begin in a straight standing position with your shoulders rolled to the back and your feet positioned together.
- Suck your navel towards your spine with tightened abs.
- Slowly, bend forward and touch your head to your knees with your hands reaching for your feet.
- Hold before gently releasing.
3. Tiger Pose
Tiger poses will also provide a multitude of advantages, including strengthening your core region, stimulating the nervous system, stretching your back muscles, and improving spinal health along with offering greater mobility.
Here's how to do it:
- Bring your body to a table position before bringing your left knee towards the forehead by rounding your spine.
- Reach your left foot to the ceiling by stretching your neck and looking upwards while arching your back.
- Repeat this a few times before you swap sides and repeat the steps.
4. Wheel Pose
Wheel poses will help you look taller by building significant elasticity in the spinal cord and flexibility of the body.
Here's how to do it:
- Bring your body into the lying position on the ground with your feet as close to your hips as possible and knees bent.
- Place your feet apart at the hip distance and your legs parallel to one another.
- Position your palms under your shoulders with your fingers angled towards your feet by bending your elbows.
- Press your feet and palms onto the ground to raise your hips and shoulders along with your head.
- Hold before gently releasing.
5. Tree Pose
Tree poses are among the simple yet amazing yoga poses that will significantly enhance your concentration as well as improve your posture.
Here's how to do it:
- Begin in an erect standing position with your feet apart a couple of inches and gaze fixated to the front.
- Next, fold your left leg and bring the foot to the inner side of the opposite thigh.
- Bring your arms upward in the prayer position and completely straighten them.
- Hold this position with your abdominal muscles pulled in and spine flat.
- Swap sides and repeat.
6. Triangle Pose
The advantages of the triangle pose include increased flexibility of the lower body, enhanced blood circulation, reduced stress levels, better balance, and a stronger body.
Here's how to do it:
- Begin in an erect standing position with your head straight, arms at the side, and feet together.
- Move your feet apart at a distance of about four feet.
- Bring your arms at shoulder height and completely straighten them to the sides.
- With your knees straight, bring your left foot outward and your right foot turned inward slightly.
- Bend your body towards the left side and reach your left hand to the left ankle.
- Straighten your right hand vertically with your head towards the ceiling and hold.
- Swap sides and repeat.
Bottom Line
Regularly practicing the aforementioned yoga poses and exercises will offer numerous advantages such as greater flexibility of the body, increased stamina, correct alignment of spine, improved balance of the body, and more. These yoga poses will also help in improving your overall body posture by counteracting slouching and bending. This, in turn, will also help you look taller.