#3 The Ace of Spade - Balbir Singh Sr

The character of Himmat Singh, a centre forward who played for Punjab Police has been inspired from hockey veteran Balbir Singh Sr. The film depicts him being sidelined till the business end of the tournament, as India wanted to conserve him as the ' Ace of Spade' . He takes field only after the half time of final, following an intense discussion in the dressing room.
As per the facts, Balbir Singh Sr did feature in a group match against Argentina, wherein India dominated with a 9-1 result. The then 24-year old centre forward stole the show with 6 goals. However, he was not given a chance in the matches that followed, and took field again only in the summit clash against England.
Interestingly, Indian High Commissioner Krishna Menon had an informal chat with the team a night before the final. It is believed due to the occurrence of this event, the Punjab centre-forward took field the following day.
And lo ! Singh certainly vindicated the faith shown on him by setting the stage blitz in the final, registering his name twice on the scoresheet.