Indian hockey captain Manpreet Singh tied the knot with Illi Saddique at the GTB Nagar Gurudwara in Jalandhar on Wednesday. Following strict COVID-19 protocols, the wedding ceremony was conducted and was attended by Manpreet's teammates, Mandeep Singh and Varun Kumar. Former Indian captain Pargat Singh was also present at the ceremony.
The 28-year-old Manpreet Singh met Saddique for the first time during the Sultan of Johor Cup in 2012. Illi Saddique, a Malaysian national of Pakistani descent, had to get special permission from the Malaysian authorities and India's Home Affairs Ministry for the wedding.
Manpreet's teammate, Mandeep Singh shared photos from the wedding on his social media account and congratulated the couple on their new beginning.
The couple had got engaged in February 2014 and were set to marry in April earlier this year. However, they had to postpone their plans owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Manpreet Singh to lead Indian hockey team at Tokyo Olympics
The FIH Hockey Player of the year 2019, Manpreet Singh has led the Indian men's hockey team since May 2017. The side achieved remarkable wins under his captaincy and booked a berth in the Tokyo Olympics last year as well, beating Russia in the Olympic qualifiers over two legs.
After the global pandemic led to the nationwide lockdown, the Indian hockey team had been training at the Sports Authority of India (SAI) center in Bengaluru since March. Manpreet had tested positive for COVID-19 back in August during the national camp but has now made a full recovery.
The midfielder has been a vital campaigner for the Indian hockey team over the years. He will carry India's hopes as he leads the side at the Tokyo Olympics, which kicks off on July 23 next year.