Viren Rasquinha was left stunned after spending a regular day speaking at the Times LitFest held in Mumbai, as famous TV pundit Suhel Seth chose to insult him by questioning his knowledge of sports. “Don't know what that bald guy was doing on a panel on sport, what’s he done?” Seth said on stage.
The former hockey player was at the event to give a speech about hockey and sport in general, and he received a huge round of applause from the audience after he was done. However, Seth was seemingly not impressed. The man, famous for going on rants against politicians, stepped on stage for another one of his infamous performances. Only this time, he was completely out of line.
Here is the video of Seth’s rant at the Times Litfest (rant at 51:10 minutes):
Rasquinha is the COO of the Olympic Gold Quest, which supports Indian athletes in their mission to win Olympic gold medals. As hockey captain, he led India to several victories and was a part of the team that won the silver medal at the 2002 Asian Games.
The 34-year-old also won the gold medal at the 2001 Junior World Cup, the 2003 Asia Cup and the 2003 Afro-Asias Games.
Rasquinha was extremely disappointed with the disrespect he received and tweeted about the incident.
Suhel Seth later apologised to Rasquinha and LitFest for his actions.