The trailer of Akshay Kumar's latest patriotic venture - Gold - is out now for public viewing. The trailer offers a look at Kumar as independent India's coach of the men's hockey team and is set to release this Independence Day.
Gold tells the story about the first Indian hockey team to win an Olympic medal under the banner of an independent India. All the prior Gold medals in hockey came when India was still ruled over by the British Empire. The movie is expected to create the same level of excitement as another one of its hockey-themed predecessors - Chak de India.
Based on a true story, Gold will take us to a turbulent time in the history of the nation, when India was taking its first steps after two-hundred years of British rule. The nation was broken from the inside, with problems both within the boundaries and outside them. At a difficult time like this, the Indian hockey team won the gold medal to unite the whole country through sports.
Akshay Kumar is known to play roles which are linked to national glory in one way or another and it looks like he's got a winner in Gold. The trailer gives a glimpse into the life of Kumar's character who dreams of winning the Gold medal for independent India. Over the course of the two-minute long trailer, we see Kumar dealing with the challenges of building a successful team and win the Gold medal in British backyards.
Joining Kumar in the cast, and as the members of the hockey team, are Kunal Kapoor, Amit Sadh, Vineet Singh, and Sunny Kaushal. Throughout the trailer, we see glimpses of these characters and Kumar recruiting them for the ultimate mission.
Whether or not the movie is a critical success is yet to be seen. However, by the looks of the trailer, Gold seems extremely promising, telling a story of a long forgotten team and their exploits.