#2 Rich Swann wants to face Braun Strowman in IMPACT Wrestling
IMPACT Wrestling has picked up some major free agent signings in the past twelve months, as well as utilizing the 'Forbidden Door' with promotions such as AEW, NJPW and AAA.
When asked which names he would like to face from other companies in IMPACT Wrestling, Swann named three top wrestlers. One such name was former WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman:
"Braun Strowman. I know that man has gone through so much in this business in such a little time. He's got so much pressure on him because of his size. You know how it is in the wrestling business. You want people to just reach to the highest that they can ever get to. And sometimes when he first started he was looked at somebody who was super green, which he was, and somebody who 'he'll never get it.' And i remember for almost six months straight, i watched this man and Roman Reigns go out there and put on masterpieces. I feel like that was really what helped him to get to level that where he needed to be in-ring. He's somebody that has all the tools. There's no denying it. He can go out there and put on a match, he can entertain you and he's huge!"
#1 Rich Swann wants to wrestle "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt in IMPACT Wrestling
In addition to Braun Strowman, Rich Swann named another former WWE Universal Champion that he would like to see in IMPACT Wrestling, Bray Wyatt.
Swann even floated the idea of "The Fiend" teaming up with the "Undead Bride" Su Yung and taking over IMPACT Wrestling:
"The last person. Everybody's favorite. One of the most captivating characters ever. The Fiend, Bray Wyatt. I'd love to see Windham in IMPACT. That would be awesome. There's not even much i can say about that. Hey, what if The Demon, and the undead bride, just took control of IMPACT? I'm sorry, not The Demon, The Fiend. I associate The Fiend with Alexa [Bliss] now so I'm like, "Ah, but now I can't call him The Demon either because that's good Prince Devitt."
Edited by Andy B