"It feels good to be part of something I believe in again."
Those were the words of Eric Young just a few weeks ago when we caught up with the World Class Maniac to discuss his return to IMPACT Wrestling at Slammiversary. Just over one month on, and Young is now IMPACT World Champion after defeating Eddie Edwards on this week's episode of IMPACT!
We're not one to correct the World Class Maniac - but maybe it's worth noting how Eric Young isn't just part of something he believes in, but something that believes in him, too.
Sportskeeda meets IMPACT World Champion Eric Young
We, at Sportskeeda, have been lucky enough to catch up with Eric Young again, and deliver a world exclusive interview from the new IMPACT World Champion himself!
Just moments after his monumental World Championship win, Eric Young told us all about his title win, how he was received backstage as World Champion, and of course about PWI not recognizing the title as a World Championship, among other things.
You can watch the entire interview with IMPACT World Champion Eric Young below, or read on for more.
Eric Young, IMPACT World Champion. Congratulations first of all. How's it going, Eric?
Yeah, it's going great, man. It's good to be king! That's how the old saying goes, and it feels good, man. It feels really good.
The best place I think I can start off, it's only been a couple of weeks since I spoke to you last, and you mentioned a particular quote to me that stood out.
You said, "It's good to be part of something I believe in again." However, I think that needs to be flipped because it's maybe worth noting, you're part of somewhere that believes in you again because Eric Young is the new IMPACT World Champion.
How does that feel?
Yeah. That's very well said, man, and that's the truth. It is good to be part of something, but one hand scratches the other. It's good to be received how I was and put in a position by IMPACT Wrestling and all the people who work there.
They are putting their money where their mouth is. They said a lot of things and there was a lot of hype online for a lot of stuff, and they are putting their money where their mouth is. And to me, that's a good feeling to be appreciated and to be treated well and to be part of something that is truly special.
IMPACT is a company that's growing during a global pandemic. Just take wrestling out of it... I'm just talking business-wise, period. There are not many businesses in the world right now, especially ones that predominantly do crowd-based revenues, that are growing, and IMPACT is growing.
Being, in a way, a flagship of that company, of that product, it feels really good. The responsibility is not lost on me and I have always been a hard worker, but it's extra motivation to go that extra bit and to always deliver the best possible effort every single time. It's so exciting, man, it's such a cool place to be right now.
Next: Eric Young reveals why many former IMPACT talents should be thanked
Sportskeeda meets IMPACT World Champion Eric Young
Just moments after his monumental World Championship win, Eric Young told us all about it - and that exclusive interview continues below...

Another thing you mentioned was when you were released from WWE, you felt a little bit of relief. Is that vindicated now that, a few months later, Eric Young is holding a World Championship?
It is relief, it's justification, it's sadness, it's happiness. There's tons of things that, being in the position that I'm in now, being World Champion for the second time and being the flagship performer of IMPACT Wrestling...
There's a long list of guys that could be in my position, and I don't take it lightly, it's a responsibility that I take very, very seriously, I always have, but I can say that "justification" is a big word for me right now.
I never lost belief in myself. But if you're a person that believes I was in the position that I was in, and I was released, and where I was in my career because of my ability, then you're confused and you don't understand how things work. I've never doubted myself, I've never doubted my ability. It's just cool to be able to put those words into actions where I'm allowed to thrive.
We need to go to the actual title win itself. Of course, Eddie Edwards is the man you took the title from. We spoke a little bit about him last time and how he has been the flag-bearer, essentially. You guys were two guys that, when I've spoken to people in IMPACT, the term "locker room leader" came up a lot for both Eddie Edwards and Eric Young. What was the backstage reaction been to Eric Young winning the World Championship?
I think positive. If you are not in this business to be the World Champion and to be the guy, you're in it for the wrong reasons or you are a liar.
Everyone wants what I have. That's the way it should be. You should want those things. That is what you're striving for.
Eddie Edwards is the standard. He is the guy that has been with this company. I went and worked elsewhere and he was there and continued to be there, and his heart and his effort, and his grit and determination, and there's a long list of guys...
Sami Callihan... People who aren't there anymore, Tessa Blanchard, Karrion Kross, Brian Cage, John Morrison. There's a long list of people that should be thanked for keeping IMPACT afloat during a really rough time.
My goal of where I am and being the World Champion, and being the flagship of the company, is to move forward. We're not moving back anymore. The company had a bunch of buzz going into Slammiversary, and buzz is exciting. Creating buzz and creating interest, that's one thing but delivering on that is another thing altogether. I really feel like we've done that and we've done it in the television shows and specials since.
It's a very special locker room and I'm happy to be part of it, and anyone that wants help, I'm not a ra-ra guy, I'm not going to stand there and give lectures, and tell people what they should be doing and what they shouldn't do. In the end, pro wrestling is art and subjective, and you have to do what you believe. As long as you believe that what you do is best for you and best for the company, I'm not going to tell you to not do it. I will suggest things that you want to do and you can prove me wrong, and - I'll tell you - proving people wrong is a fun thing to do.
- Eric Young discusses PWI not classifying the IMPACT World Championship as a world title
- Eric Young discusses whether he'll defend the World Championship outside of IMPACT
Coming up:
- Eric Young discusses who he may face next
- Eric Young discusses his creative freedom
- Eric Young discusses Bound For Glory and beyond
Sportskeeda meets IMPACT World Champion Eric Young
Just moments after his monumental World Championship win, Eric Young told us all about it - and that exclusive interview continues below...

You were just rhyming off names of people that have held the Championship Eric Young now holds. That is a good lineage right there, but if we go back to April, there is a little something that came out that I personally disagreed with.
Back in April, PWI released a list of World Championships they recognize as "legitimate" World titles. The IMPACT World Championship wasn't on that. Do you have any comment on that at all?
Yeah, I mean, that's their prerogative. If you watch CNN or you watch FOX News, that's their narrative. That's one source. I think if you ask any legitimate pro wrestling fan, they will tell you that's silly.
It's a TV product, it's on every week. We are viewed in homes all over the world. There are 30-100 people making a full-time living at IMPACT Wrestling and it's the only company that is growing, so for them to not view it as a World title is a mistake and it's their mistake to make. If that's how they view it, then that is how they view it but PWI is its own thing.
As a person, as a kid and a teenager that subscribed to it, I enjoyed it, I've always enjoyed it, there are a lot of talented people who work there, it's great for the wrestling industry but for them to not recognize IMPACT as having a legitimate World title is nonsense, complete nonsense and it should be corrected.
We mentioned last time that you're on an exclusive IMPACT Wrestling contract, but now that you're Champion, would Eric Young be open to defending that title outside of IMPACT?
Yeah, I mean, I'm open to it. As a company, it's something we would have to talk about for sure. Obviously, they're always looking for partnerships and to grow IMPACT as a brand and grow it as a television product.
Anywhere they want that title to be represented, I'm ready to represent this company. I feel I've earned that right, I feel I'm the right person to do it, and I would relish in an opportunity to defend it against everyone.
It's exciting. That's an exciting thought to be in other countries and work with other promotions or whatever but that's up to management, with that kind of thing. And I trust their judgment, man, I really do. I trust this place completely. Scott and his team are incredible and are going to do what's best for the product, and so am I.
Next: Eric Young discusses who he wants to defend the World Championship against
Coming up: Eric Young discusses Bound For Glory
Sportskeeda meets IMPACT World Champion Eric Young
Just moments after his monumental World Championship win, Eric Young told us all about it - and that exclusive interview continues below...

It seems like a certain Rich Swann may have a bone to pick with you in the future. Eddie Edwards has a little claim for a rematch, you would have to think. You've told me you want to work with Rhino and Ken Shamrock...
I'm going to try not to sound like Goldberg when I say it, but who's next for Eric Young?
For me, Eddie is obviously in line for a rematch. This was something that he earned and something that I took from him - and any time I get to a chance to share the ring with someone like Eddie Edwards, sign me up, all day long. I'm really looking forward to the challenge of working with Eddie, the challenge of working with Rich Swann.
These are two dream opponents as far as pro wrestling goes. Obviously two different kinds of performers, two completely different kinds of athletes. There are two really cool stories there and for me, stories are what drives me. It's what got me interested in wrestling. It's what makes pro wrestling good. There are two really cool stories there and, for me, stories are what drives wrestling and what makes people interested in wrestling.
What makes pro wrestling good is the stories. Those are two really cool stories and the cool part at the end of that story is this awesome opportunity to work with another world-class talent. What else can a person ask for other than that? I'm involved in a really cool story and a really high-profile angle, and at the end of it, I get to lock horns with two guys that are absolutely gifted performers.
Eddie Edwards, Rich Swann... Whether it is Moose, Rhino, Shamrock, Ace Austin, Trey, Sami Callihan, RVD. The list goes on and on, man. I'd love to work with Gallows and Anderson. These are guys... We haven't worked together much. But to get a singles thing with Karl Anderson would be awesome. There are lots of options and that is super exciting, it's really cool to be in this position
Most definitely and when I interviewed the Good Brothers, both of them said they wanted World Championship shots so that definitely leads in there.
They know where to find me!
Another thing we mentioned last time we spoke is how you felt like it had been three or four years since you actually last wrestled. We know Eric Young has not missed a step because we've seen for the last month and a bit in IMPACT. Eddie Edwards was doing his open challenge. Is that something you'd be open to doing or is that something you would rather not do?
For me, that's a compelling story but for Eric Young, the character isn't the fighting Champion. Eric Young wants power, he wants to be in control, and the fastest and easiest way to do that, as an on-screen performer, is to be World Champion.
Now he's World Champion, now his whole thing is holding on to it for dear life and the reality is when Eddie had it, the same with any Champion is you have a bullseye on your back. I'm not afraid of any challenge on the roster, I'm open to all of it, but I feel like it's a very different story from Eddie Edwards, the fighting Champion, defending it every week to who Eric Young is.
Eric Young is going to pick his spots and make the most of his opportunities and set himself up for success. He wants to be one step ahead of everybody.
Next: Eric Young discusses Bound For Glory and beyond
Sportskeeda meets IMPACT World Champion Eric Young
Just moments after his monumental World Championship win, Eric Young told us all about it - and that exclusive interview continues below. Read on for the conclusion of our chat with the World Class Maniac Eric Young to find out what we can expect from Bound For Glory.

I feel like a lot of people might have forgotten just how good Eric Young is in terms of promos. We've mentioned in-ring stuff but we've seen it on IMPACT - man, Eric Young can cut a promo. Have you been working on those? And how much creative input do you have when cutting them?
Yeah, I mean, it isn't something I work on now. I feel like, back in the day, when I was first starting. Because you've never done that in your life as a young man. You're never in a position. I played sports my whole life. You don't grab a microphone and tell everyone how tough you are. That's not that part of sport but it is a massive part of pro wrestling.
A promo is another tool, it's another building block to the story and it's something I've always prided myself on, something I've always worked at and wanted to be good at because I feel it's one of the most important pieces of pro wrestling, especially in storytelling is a good promo, and that back-and-forth with somebody, whether it's just a piece where I'm in a video like the BFG hype-up video. That is a part of... That is a tool.
That adds another layer to my character and another layer to my story, so it's something I've always loved and I've always respected people who were really good at it before me, and I try to learn from. As far as creative, it's very open and we are working as a team, so they don't say, "Here is your script, memorize it," because they don't know how to talk for me because they are not me. Does that make sense? I understand that, when they're making formats and stuff, there has to be bullet points and something for me to go off of, but in IMPACT, has never been written down like, "This is what you're supposed to say." And I like that.
You have to believe what you're saying or people see through it, it becomes really transparent. Being good and learning promos is a skill, too, but making it your own is what's important so that's part of the process here. It really is a group effort and, as a person that has experienced and been on TV for 13 years, they trust me. I'm not in this position if they don't trust me. They trust me to do what's right and to do what's best for the story and for myself. That's what's money in its own right there.
I've got one final question. Last time we spoke, another exact quote from Eric Young stood out. "I'm not patting myself on the back for where IMPACT is but I am saying that I will be a big part of where it's going."
We know that's true anyway because you're holding the World Championship. What can we expect at Bound For Glory and beyond from Eric Young in IMPACT Wrestling?
Yeah, I mean, it's like I said before - I plan on being a big part, if not the biggest part, of this company. That will show in the product and that will show in my effort. It will show online and it'll show in interviews like the one I'm doing with you. I take this very seriously. This is my life, this is my livelihood. IMPACT is allowing me to continue to live this dream life and that is not lost on me. It's important to me.
Pro wrestling is my first love and I will love it till the day I die. For me, a big thing - money is great, and fame is great, but that's not why I got into it. I got into it because I love wrestling and I want to leave wrestling and leave IMPACT a better place than when I got there. I'm going to do everything in my power to make this company grow, and Bound For Glory is going to be no different.
My goal is to have even more buzz, even more interest in Bound For Glory than there was at Slammiversary. The bar has been set. It's high. It's something that everyone here, and most importantly me - because you're talking to me - that's what's important is growing the company and, in turn, growing my career.
IMPACT World Champion Eric Young, it's been an absolute pleasure. Thank you.
Congratulations to Eric Young on his IMPACT World Championship victory!
Thank you so much to Eric Young for taking the time to chat with us, and to IMPACT Wrestling for setting up the interview. You can follow Eric Young here and IMPACT Wrestling here.
You can watch Eric Young on IMPACT weekly every Tuesday at 8 PM PT on AXS TV in the US or via IMPACT's Twitch channel. UK viewers can watch IMPACT on Wednesdays at 9 PM UK time on Fight Network UK.
Stay tuned with Sportskeeda for more IMPACT interviews coming very soon.