IMPACT Wrestling Results: Top Champion destroys former partner; Don Callis challenges Tommy Dreamer

Moose isn't done with Kenny Omega; Lines are drawn ahead of the Ultimate X Match
Moose isn't done with Kenny Omega; Lines are drawn ahead of the Ultimate X Match

IMPACT Wrestling last week saw the reinstatement of former world champion Sami Callihan, along with the firing of Don Callis from his position as the EVP. Though Callis was fired, he was still Kenny Omega's manager and would be allowed into the building as long as the Best Bout Machine was the champion.


IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Kenny Omega and his right hand man Don Callis entered the building. However, security stopped Callis at the door as he was no longer the EVP of IMPACT Wrestling. Callis told the guard off, reminding him of all his accolades. He forced his way through while Omega laughed.

Rosemary vs Kiera Hogan w/Tasha Steelz on IMPACT Wrestling


Kiera Hogan avoided the former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion, sliding to the floor several times to keep out of harm's reach and aggravate Rosemary. Eventually, Rosemary got her hands on Hogan, planting her with a sidewalk slam.

She continued to hammer Hogan with fists and followed up with an exploder suplex across the ring. Hogan avoided a splash but was trapped in the Upside Down. Tasha Steelz pulled her off the apron while Hogan had the ref's attention, giving Kiera the upper hand.


The IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Champions took turns attacking Rosemary, with the referee none the wiser.

Eventually, Rosemary found some backup in Havok. Hogan took notice of Havok but kept the pressure on Rosemary with a corner basement dropkick.


Hogan rocked Rosemary with a running hip attack and basement boot. However, another boot was blocked, and Rosemary planted her with a flapjack. Hogan was hit with a sling blade, and Rosemary followed up with the Last Chancery. She crawled to the ropes, barely managing to get to the ropes.

A reverse DDT dropped Hogan who kicked out at two. Hogan hit IMPACT Wrestling's Demon Assassin with a superkick and roundhouse kick but it still wasn't enough to put Rosemary down.


The former Knockouts Champion caught Hogan with a sit-out butterfly cradle drop, picking up a major win and possibly earning a shot at tag team gold in the future.


Results: Rosemary defeated Kiera Hogan via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: B+

At Slammiversary, Josh Alexander will defend his IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Championship in an Ultimate X Match. Last week, Ace Austin and Rohit Raju's partnership saw Madman Fulton and Mahabali Shera run through the competition.


Tonight, Chris Bey was asked about the situation, stating that he wasn't looking to pick sides. Trey Miguel and Petey Williams stepped in, with Williams reminding him that, of all people, he understood the numbers game.

He also knew what it was like to be on the wrong side of it. At the end of the day, Bey needed to choose a side before a group selected him at IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary.


IMPACT Wrestling EVP Scott D'Amore interrupted an interview between Tommy Dreamer and Mean Gia Miller backstage. D'Amore didn't appreciate Dreamer going over his head but knew he was right in having Don Callis fired. He thanked Dreamer for what he'd done.


The ECW Legend revealed that there was more, as the board of Anthem gave him a role as an adviser of IMPACT Wrestling, reporting back to Anthem when necessary.

Susan w/Kimber Lee vs Deonna Purrazzo on IMPACT Wrestling


IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo kicked Susan and Kimber Lee to the curb last week, claiming that she was tired of their failures. Tonight, Susan wanted to prove that Purrazzo didn't know what she had in her and Lee.

Purrazzo dropped Susan with a shoulder block and began playing with her. A dragon screw took Susan down, and Purrazzo followed up with an armbreaker. Purrazzo kept up the pressure on the left arm and dropped Susan with a Russian leg sweep before teasing the Fujiwara Armbar.


IMPACT Wrestling's Virtuosa looked Lee in the eyes and screamed, "I can end this right now!" However, she decided to have a bit more fun, lifting Susan for a curb stomp. Susan fell to the floor and it seemed she was out cold. Kimber begged for Purrazzo to end it.

Susan, against better judgment, crawled into the ring. Deonna caught her in a straight jacket and slammed her down in what would've been a match-ending move. However, she picked up Susan before the three-count, taunting both Susan and Kimber.


Susan, somehow, found her second wind and fired upon Purrazzo. After a series of strikes, she took Purrazzo up for a superplex. Before she could capitalize, Purrazzo caught her in the Fujiwara Armbar for the win.

Results: Deonna Purrazzo defeated Susan via submission on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: B-


Purrazzo didn't let up, trapping a defeated Susan in the Venus Demilo. Kimber Lee ran in to break it up, and the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion told them both she was done.

TJP and Fallah Bahh were at Swinger's Palace after their win on BTI. Willie Mack and Rich Swann walked in, as Johnny Swinger declined the possible reunion of the Mack & Pack. Of course, Mack didn't ask but uh...good to know.


TJP, Fallah, Swann, and Mack talked about the past year and what they've been through. Bahh and TJP stated that they were looking to become the new IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions. Mack and the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion challenged them to a match in response.


Former IMPACT Wrestling EVP Don Callis met Tommy Dreamer backstage. He said that there were no hard feelings about what happened last week. He also knew that Tommy Dreamer would want a match against IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Kenny Omega, and challenged him to a six-man tag match.

It would be Team Callis, Omega, and The Good Brothers, against Dreamer and two men of his choosing. Dreamer accepted, knowing he was walking into a trap.


Rohit Raju and Shera vs Petey Williams and Trey Miguel on IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling legend Petey Williams kicked off the match with Rohit Raju. Williams set Raju up on the ropes for a basement dropkick, followed by setting him up in the Tree of Woe. It was time for Oh, Canada!

Trey Miguel tagged in, lighting up Raju with a series of kicks. Trey and Petey caught Rohit with a double hip toss and a pair of kicks, leaving the former IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion in pain. However, he was able to get to Shera, who dwarfed everyone in the ring.


A massive powerslam planted Maple Leaf Muscle as we cut to commercial. When we returned, Raju was the legal man and he immediately lost control. Trey Miguel tagged back in, battering Raju with a series of quick-paced strikes. IMPACT Wrestling's Rascal set up for the Meteora, but Raju rolled through.


Miguel found himself on the other side of the ring, knocking Shera off the apron. When he turned around, Raju caught him with a jumping flatliner. Petey tagged back in, but as he looked for the Canadian Destroyer, Ace Austin and Madman Fulton appeared at ringside.

Raju took advantage of the distraction and the drive-by knee laid out Petey for the win.

Results: Rohit Raju defeated Petey Williams via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.


Grade: B+

After the match, Ace, Raju, Shera, and Fulton attacked Wiliams and Trey. IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion Josh Alexander joined the fight and was able to even up the odds. Eventually, though, he fell to the numbers game. In a three-on-four war with Shera and Fulton on one side, it's pretty obvious who would win.


Chris Bey appeared on the ramp, recording the beatdown on his phone. Though he didn't choose a side, he definitely didn't help Trey Miguel and the crew.


Mean Gia Miller caught IMPACT Wrestling's adviser trying to convince Sami Callihan to join him for the match next week. Callihan loved the idea, needing to get his hands on Kenny Omega. Mr. IMPACT Wrestling Moose walked in, and without Dreamer even saying a word, Moose said he was in.

Dreamer and Callihan both said he'd hate their tag partner. Later on in the night, we'd learn that it would be Sabin joining Moose and Callihan on IMPACT Wrestling next week.


Rachael Ellering addresses IMPACT Wrestling

Rachael Ellering seemed upset as she was in the ring with her microphone in hand. She said she failed to see the "red flags" when she and Jordynne Grace won the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Tonight, she wanted to clear the air with her friend and tag team partner.


Grace came to the ring, with everyone hoping for a "Come to Jesus moment." Ellering told Grace that their win at IMPACT Wrestling Rebellion was one of the greatest moments of her life. They won the gold with a legend like Jazz by their side. A year ago, Ellering was at the lowest point of her life.

She wasn't herself, and it was hard to just get to the next day. Rachael said that her friends and family pushed her into a pool of positivity, even though that's not what she needed at the time.


She realized she was doing the same to Grace, and apologized for that. Ellering believed in Grace, and that she didn't need to let anyone get into her head. Hogan, Steelz, Tenille, it didn't matter.

Grace blew up the second Ellering said Tenille, stating she never cared what Tenille thought. Grace loved having Ellering as a partner, but she had to do things by herself.

She was a former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion and had the first Knockouts Ironman match in IMPACT Wrestling history. Ellering knew how great Grace was and told her to stop letting Tenille get to her. Again, Grace exploded when Tenille Dashwood was mentioned.


As she threatened to drop Ellering on her head, Jazz's music hit. Jazz said she loved both of the women in the ring, and the fire that we were seeing out of them was why she brought them together. She said that all the gossip that they were dealing with was nothing and that they could get over all of this.

Jazz spoke to Jordynne Grace, telling her to clear her head. Ellering stepped in, saying that she wanted nothing more than to team up with Grace, but didn't know if Jordynne felt the same way. The former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion said she wasn't sure, and needed time to think.


Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb with a K entered the arena just as Grace left, with Dashwood trying to make herself Ellering's new tag partner. "You're embarrassing yourself at this point," Dashwood said as the former IMPACT Wrestling Tag Champion stared daggers her way.

Ellering was tired of the games and said there was no chance at all that they would be a tag team. It was a no from her. A hard no. Definitely not. To quote Ellering, Hell no. The only time she wanted to be in the ring with Dashwood was if they were opponents, and challenged Tenille to a rematch.


Dashwood tried to get a jump on Ellering but failed. Jazz and Ellering demolished Dashwood and Kaleb, sending them back.

Sam Beale w/Brian Myers vs Jake Something on IMPACT Wrestling


The Most Professional Wrestler in IMPACT Wrestling, Brian Myers has been coaching Sam Beale for the past few months. Jake Something warned Beale not to listen to Myers, leading to tonight's match.


Jake Something launched Beale to the floor with a shoulder tackle. However, he was distracted by Myers, allowing Beale toss him into the ring post. Back in the ring, Jake caught a diving Beale out of mid-air with a Michinoku Driver. Somehow, Beale kicked out.

Myers slid Beale a chair and threw him a thumbs-up even though the IMPACT Wrestling official was paying attention. Something kicked the chair out of the ring and crushed Beale with the Black Hole Slam.


Results: Jake Something defeated Sam Beale via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: D


Brian Myers told Sam not to blame himself, as you should always look to blame somebody else. Jake Something was to blame for introducing a weapon into the ring...even though Myers was the one to throw the chair in.

As Eddie Edwards and Satoshi Kojima got ready for their IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Title match, they ran into Rich Swann and Willie Mack. The challengers said Swann and Mack would be first in line, and not to worry about W. Morrissey.


He'd get what was coming to him. Whelp, it looks like Morrissey is going to destroy Eddie Edwards.

IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Championship: Eddie Edwards and Satoshi Kojima vs Violent By Design (Deaner and Joe Doering) (c) w/Eric Young and Rhino


Former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Eddie Edwards started the match off with Joe Doering. The powerhouse bulldozed Edwards before tagging in Deaner, who immediately lost control as usual. Edwards got to Satoshi Kojima, who bowled over Deaner with a shoulder block as we cut to break.


When we came back, Doering was the legal man and he was demolishing Kojima. Violent By Design took turns stretching the rules of the game, and whenever the ref was turned, Rhino or Eric Young would take a shot.

Doering wore down Kojima, grating his face against the mat with his elbow. As Joe Doering went for the suplex, Kojima was able to block it and hit one of his own. With the monster of Violent By Design down, Kojima was able to get to Edwards. Deaner was tagged in and was lit up by the heart of IMPACT Wrestling.


A Blue Thunder Bomb planted Deaner for the two-count. When we came back from another break, Deaner had taken control thanks to multiple distractions from Violent By Design. Deaner kept the pressure on the longtime IMPACT Wrestling star, keeping him just out of arm's reach from Satoshi Kojima.

Edwards managed to catch the VBD member with a back suplex and got to Kojima. The IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions were caught off guard by Kojima's fire, as he ran through both Deaner and Doering in a matter of seconds. Kojima hit Deaner with machine gun chops, finally forcing Doering to break it up.


Edwards made the save and the challengers caught the champs with multiple flying forearms. A top rope hurricanrana from Edwards set Deaner up for a diving elbow drop from Kojima. Deaner just barely kicked out.

Deaner escaped Edwards' backpack stunner, and Doering bowled the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion over with a running crossbody. Deaner hit a diving headbutt for a near fall. Edwards' ducked the clothesline from Doering, sending him into Kojima.


Doering blew through both challengers with a double clothesline and picked up Eddie for the Revolution Bomb. Edwards countered with a hurricanrana. Kojima hit the Koji Cutter as Edwards caught Doering with a superkick. Doering was able to shake it off, though, and counter the Boston Knee Party with a Revolution Bomb for a win in the IMPACT Wrestling main event.

Results: Violent By Design defeated Eddie Edwards and Satoshi Kojima via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.


Grade: A

Another successful defense of the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Titles by Violent By Design. Who could stop this group?

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Edited by Alan John
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