#8. Ultimate X match for the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Championship at Slammiversary 2021

Josh Alexander defended his title against Ace Austin, Chris Bey, Rohit Raju, Petey Williams, and Trey Miguel in the signature match of the X-Division at Slammiversary.
The Ultimate X Match was the right choice to open Slammiversary 2021 as it set the bar for the rest of the show. The match was filled with creative spots, high-flying offense, and never dropped in energy or intensity.
Each man got an opportunity to showcase their offense, and Alexander just about managed to retain his title at Slammiversary.
The crowd was hot from start to finish, cheering every move, and the right person went over. That the match type hadn't been seen in two years helped elevate the contest even more.
Grade: A
#7. Brian Myers and Tenille Dashwood vs Matt Cardona and Mystery Opponent at Slammiversary 2021

Lauren van Ness, aka Chelsea Green, returned to IMPACT Wrestling to team up with Matt Cardona against the team of Tenille Dashwood and Brian Myers.
Cardona and Myers got the action started as Myers got the upper hand following a flatliner on the ramp. After wearing down Cardona for a while, Green finally got tagged in. She delivered an impressive destroyer to Myers before planting the Unprettier on Dashwood to make a triumphant return to IMPACT Wrestling.
The match was a fun sprint, and the babyfaces got the win to make the crowd happy. Where they go from here remains to be seen, but it was a return to remember for Chelsea Green at Slammiversary 2021.
Grade: C+