IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Title Match: Rich Swann and Willie Mack vs Fallah Bahh and No Way Jose vs The Good Brothers vs Violent By Design (c)
Originally, TJP was supposed to team up with Fallah Bahh to challenge for the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Titles. Unfortunately, TJP was injured before the match. Luckily, Bahh was able to find a tag team partner. Could he truly replace TJP? To quote Bahh, " Way Jose!"
No Way Jose started things off with Rich Swann, who danced a little in the ring before Karl Anderson tagged Swann out. Anderson was hit with a shoulder block, immediately losing control.
Jose and Fallah Bahh took turns battering the Machine Gun before Jose tagged out to Willie Mack. Swann and Mack hit a pair of splashes on Anderson. However, when Swann was legal, Anderson drove him to his corner to tag in Doc Gallows.
A nasty big boot laid out the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion as Gallows continued to demolish Swann. The Good Brothers took turns tearing Swann apart while Anderson repeatedly told the crowd to shut up.
Swann caught Anderson with the step-up enzuigiri but had to tag out to No Way Jose. He came in like a house on fire, lighting up Anderson while also pelting Doc Gallows and Rhino. A flatliner planted Anderson for a two-count. Anderson responded with a Double-A spinebuster, leading to both Gallows and IMPACT Wrestling Tag Champion Joe Doering tagging in.
The heavyweight maulers of this match hammered one another, and both went for chokeslams but were attacked by the other two teams. Swann was left alone with Fallah Bahh and caught him with a series of kicks. Bahh countered a rolling flatliner with a Samoan Drop.
Mack hit a Samoan Drop of his own but turned around into a lariat from No Way Jose. Doering turned Jose inside out with a short-armed lariat. Swann managed to break up the pin by sending Rhino into Joe Doering.
Rhino set up for the Gore on No Way Jose. Doering was taken to the floor, distracting Rhino. After that, the Good Brothers tagged in and dropped Rhino with the Magic Killer.
Results: The Good Brothers defeated Violent By Design via pinfall at IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary.
Grade: B
The Good Brothers are officially two-time IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions.