#5 Interest from the foreign clubs

It led to the attraction of interest by the foreign clubs. Clubs from the various big leagues like La Liga, have shown interest among Indian Players. Romeo Fernandes, Mander Rao Desai, Robin Singh, were among the main players who got the opportunities to go abroad for training and playing for different clubs.
Indian Super League vision is to make India a football power by 2026 and its initial stages have already been successful. However, a lot of hard work and development is yet to be achieved in order to emerge as a football power on the global level. The revenue generated from the league must be used in development and certain measures like providing good infrastructure, building training academies in different regions like villages, uplifting of the players from the domestic areas should be done.
My take on the whole scenario is that the AIFF should also take necessary steps and work together with the ISL authority in order to uplift Football in India.