The All India Football Federation’s Elite Academy comprising of the Under-19 National Team won 2-0 against Vasco Sports Club in a Friendly Match at the Chowgule Sports and Fitness Ground.
Uttam Rai (20th) and Chinglensana Singh (91st) scored in each half to ensure that the Boys record a memorable double over the famed Goan outfits who are currently preparing for the 2nd Division I-League.
The Under-19 Boys had blanked Vasco by half a dozen goals last weekend in their preparations for the AFC Under-19 Championship qualifiers.
The Colts under Head Coach Colm Joseph Toal had previously blanked the Chinese Under-17 National Team 6-0 and 4-0 respectively in an Exposure Trip ahead of the AFC Under-19 Championship qualifiers to be held in Doha next month.
The nucleus of the Squad had represented India in the Final Phase of the AFC Under-16 Championship in 2012 in the Iranian capital Tehran.