The All India Football Federation’s Kolkata Regional Academy came back from behind to defeat Calcutta Premier Division side Aryan Club 2-1 in a friendly match played at the Pailan World School Campus in Joka, Kolkata.Down by an early 5th minute goal, the AIFF Academy boys restored parity in the 85th minute when Jerry scored off a free-kick and Prasenjit Chakraborty scored the match-winner in the second minute of injury-time.
Head Coach Gautam Ghosh sounded pleased after the victory. “Aryan’s were represented by players who play in the Kolkata First Division League. Some of them have even played for the Big-two in Kolkata not long back,” he informed.
“I need to applaud my boys for the manner they hung in and fought till the finish,” he stated.
The Under-15 boys who crowned themselves the Champions in the SAFF Under-16 Championship in Kathmandu recently will represent India in the AFC Under-16 Championship qualifiers next month. (Report & Photo courtesy AIFF Media)