In positive news for women’s football in the capital, one of Delhi’s top teams, Hindustan FC a couple of days ago, launched their own women’s team to participate in the Delhi Soccer Association organised Delhi Women’s League. Hindustan FC president Sushil Pandit said, “Delhi Soccer Association is looking to kickstart its women’s league and Hindustan FC would not want to be left behind.”
The DSA organised women’s league last season had five teams taking part and with Hindustan FC joining in, it will surely strengthen women football’s cause in the capital.
Hindustan FC’s women team will be led by former Indian Under-19 women’s international Neha Kapoor and has some national level players including Kuhelika Guha, who attended India camp in 2009, amongst the squad.
“Most of the players are in colleges and some are working. We have signed proper contracts and it is going to be a professional set-up with salary structure and all. We are grateful to Hindustan FC for coming forward and promoting women’s football,” Neha Kapoor said.
One hopes that Hindustan FC keep their commitment to women’s football over the next few years, not just start a team and close it down again.